Bishop Ryan presided Mass of Installation of Fr. Anthony Aguason as pastor of San Jose, Tinian.

Saipan clergy expressed solidarity to Fr. Anthony and the people of Tinian

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5 priests and 2 deacons travelled to Tinian to celebrate Mass of Installation of Fr. Anthony

San Jose Fiesta in Tinian is on the beginning of May but the celebration last Sunday afternoon was even more grand than the Annual Fiesta celebration, in terms of the number of priests and deacons present.

Bishop Ryan Jimenez presided over the Mass of Installation of Fr. Anthony as pastor of San Jose in Tinian last Sunday, on the Feast of the Holy Family. Indeed, the experience of ‘being family’ couldn’t have been more emphasized by the presence of many members of the clergy. Five priests and two deacons went to Tinian on Sunday afternoon after their Masses in their respective parishes to celebrate with Fr. Anthony and the people of Tinian the Mass of Installation. Other priests wanted to come as well but they couldn’t as they still have to do the scheduled Sunday evening Masses in Saipan. It was an expression of priestly collegiality and communion which was also complimented by the warm hospitality of the good people of Tinian.

Tinian suffered the worst of Super Typhoon Yutu last October 2018 and the damaged church still stands as a reminder of what the people of Tinian went through.

Fr. Anthony Aguason was assigned in Tinian last October 31st and he faced the daunting task of rebuilding the Church. But Bishop Ryan in his homily emphasized that while the physical rebuilding of San Jose Church is important and will eventually be done with time and patience, even more important is the spiritual rebuilding of the ‘Church in Tinian’. After all, the church is first of all the people of God more than the physical building.

Bishop Ryan reminded the parishioners of Tinian that every priest comes with particular unique gifts and thus to make comparison will never be fair. Fr. Anthony is experienced in faith formation ministry having served as seminary professor for years after ordination. It is because of this gift that Bishop Ryan appointed Fr. Anthony as pastor of Tinian so that he may facilitate the spiritual formation of the parish.

Fr. Anthony acknowledged his fears and apprehension in front of his new ministry but the love and support of the parishioners of Tinian as well as the support of his brother priests and deacons overcome those fears.

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