Blessed Margarita Maria Maturana’s First Visit to Saipan All Soul’s Day – November 2, 1928

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90 years ago this week, on November 2, 1928, Mother Margarita Maria Maturana arrived to Saipan for the first time.  During her stay, she welcomed the little children, much in the same way that Jesus did in the Gospels.  Shown here are some of “the little ones” of Saipan at that time.  Imagine, perhaps one of them is your relative!  What a privilege it must have been to be able to actually meet her. . .

Today, we can still come to know Blessed Margarita Maria as we draw close to her by praying through her intercession.  We can also know her through her sisters, the Mercedarian Missionaries of Berriz who have remained with the people of Saipan all these years and who continue their ministry of prayer with the sisters at their retirement community for Micronesia and the Maturana House of Prayer, which are both located at Upper Navy Hill.

As we gather for the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) this November 2—let us also pray for them through the intercession of Blessed Margarita, who dearly loved our islands and their people.


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