This Father’s Day: Remember Our Priests!

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Every year the Vatican issues a list of the “Pope’s monthly prayer intentions” so that all of the Church can be united in praying. 

For the month of June 2019, this is the prayer, under the title “The Mode of Life of Priests”:

“That priests, through the modesty and humility of their lives, commit themselves actively to a solidarity with those who are most poor.”

Our priests are an avenue for the lay faithful to “see and touch” Christ in the flesh. Their obedience and way of life are a testament to hope. The call to humility and holy poverty is one we all share with priests, but they lead and we can learn a lot from their example.

Priests are subject to temptation like all the rest of us and so we pray along with the rest of the Church this month for them to remain faithful, humble and modest.

We pray that they will be shining examples of how to stand in active solidarity with the poorest among us, as our Holy Father has urged us to do. Finally, for the Poor: We pray that the poorest members of our community be strengthened by the love we share, and may we come to know Christ better in them.

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