“The Highway to Heaven”

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By: Ambrose Milton Bennett

The Highway to Heaven is not marked with signs and it is not clearly defined by lines and mile markers. It is a highway of the most unimaginable grandeur with a path that can only be seen by those who truly believe in God and the eternal life promised.

“You only need faith the size of a mustard seed to be blessed by God’s glory”.  This is one of the more notable verses in the Bible that most people know about but how many people actually practice their faith that only needs to be the size of pin-head.  For those who want to go to Heaven you don’t have to pay just be ready to testify with a lot of good when it’s your judgement day.  All roads led to heaven designed by God’s infinite wisdom and grace and he fixed it so that when we travel through this earthly life that there is no set pace. Everyone travels in a separate vehicle as we pass along the way making their own decisions about their final fate.  Some of us may travel longer and further on God’s highway to Heaven but time and distance is no part of God’s Heavenly direction. There are no signs that clearly mark God’s highway but we walk by faith that God will show us the right way. God can’t help you if you are not paying attention so make sure you are listening to everything the Priest will mention.

Getting to heaven was never meant to be easy as there are many challenges of the flesh to please your teasing. The challenge is knowing what is good for you and what is bad which is why we must stay grounded in God’s wisdom to avoid a life of being sad. God has infinite love and forgiveness for those who seek his kingdom and wisdom but for those who refuse to believe will never get on the highway to Heaven for exercising poor choices of our human freedom.   We are free to be what we want to be on this planet Earth but just keep in mind that God put us here to test and the only way is through his church. None of us are perfect and we are all full of fault that’s why Jesus died for us on the cross.  So don’t worry about getting to Heaven on God’s Heavenly Highway just stay in church and keep the faith and God will surely show you the way.


How Come They Act Like That?

By: Rev. L. O. Taylor & Rewritten by: Ambrose M. Bennett

There are some folks who hardly go to church
They stay at home and act like they are on a heavenly perch
They can talk about folks and call their name so flat
One can only wonder, “How Come They Act Like That”

When they do come to church everything is all wrong
Finding fault in people the prayer and even the songs
They claim to not get much from the teachings in the Scripture’s Reading
And not that interested in the message that the Priest is preaching

Can’t never stay after service to thank the Priest
But they are always asking for prayers and help when they finally do meet
Last time at church they sat way-way back
But when you love God and the Church you don’t act like that

Just when you’re bout to believe they love you
They will get in a crowd and act above you
But when you ask why their behavior is like that
Their answer is flat and you wonder How Come They Act Like That

The directions to heaven are really short and true
All you need to do is follow God’s word straight through
Don’t deviate from the directions of God’s word of leaven
You could make a turn and never find heaven

God wants us all to have a good life and to do better
Especially those who know God’s words to the letter
So if you are one who shows off with a fault finding act
You need to know God doesn’t want you acting like that!

So follow God’s directions to Heaven before it’s too late
You only need to TURN and do RIGHT and KEEP STRAIGHT!

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