Patience Over Impatience

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Patience is a virtue, a serene internal disposition yet creates a strong character. In the face of tough challenges and situations, a patient person remains calm and peaceful, thus he is able to focus and sustain his balance. A patient person is humble. Patience is like a game of chess where one gives himself time allowance to think for the right move.   

In traffic jam, patience can prevent mishap and road rage. In family setting, patience enhances good relationship. Patience with our parents, the weak, the medically challenged and the elderly brings blessings. Patience controls adrenalin rush, helps calm down stress. A patient person exudes peaceful mood and warm personality. God is patient with us, and so we must be each other.  

On the hand, impatience makes one moody and irritable, it obstructs wholesome camaraderie and creates shortsightedness. Someone said that if you are impatient, you are a good candidate for hospital patient.

If you’re impatient, you easily get upset and if you are upset, you’re being set up by the evil one to be angry and mean, in which case, you lose friends and get alienated. What a lonely world being avoided and evaded.

Patience and impatience are like two hungry wolves constantly fighting inside of you, one is good, the other bad, and the one you feed most wins the battle. Feed the good wolf all the time and you have lasting peace and enduring patience.

 On the flip side, someone said that your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges, so relax. No one sees how much you do for them, they only see what you don’t do. Don’t be impressed by money, followers, degrees and titles. Be impressed by kindness, integrity, humility and generosity. Your mind is a powerful thing. Start each day with a grateful heart, when you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change. You can turn your setback into a comeback. Success, doesn’t come from what you do occasionally but what you do consistently. Today will never come again. Be a blessing, be a friend, encourage someone, take time to care, let your words heal and not wound. God gives miracles to those who believe and trust in him. “Where God guides, he provides.” ( Isaiah 58:11). At the end of the day, be thankful that your blessings are bigger than your problems. God does not want you to try harder, he wants you to trust him deeper. You may lose battles but don’t lose your faith, nor the will to keep going with God. Stop trying, start trusting, this will change everything in you. Amen on that folks!!

St. Faustina wrote Jesus’ words; “I desire that you live according to My will, in the most secret depths of your soul.”

Pray the Divine Mercy every 3 p.m. Daily pray the Chaplet and the Holy Rosary for peace in our families and in the world.

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