Fr. Dionisio Q. Selma, OAR Prior Provincial and Fr. Jose Ernil R. Almayo, OAR Provincial Secretary visited the OAR community of Saipan a.k.a “Recoletos de Saipan” last February 23 to 27, 2017. the objectives of the visit were: (1) to check the status of the community; (2) to do fraternal corrections to the brothers; (3) to revitalize the community; (4) to inform the brothers about the status of the province and; (5) to check the official books of the community. Visit to OAR communities is done at least once every three (3) years.

During their visit, the provincials presided the concelebrated Holy Masses at San Roque Church, Santa Remedios Church and Kristo Rai Church where Fr. Allan Cabatian, OAR, Fr. Philip Rollon, OAR and Fr. Neil Bullos, OAR are pastor/ parish administrator/parochial vicar respectively.
At San Roque Parish, the provincials had a dialogue with the parish volunteers after the 6pm concelebrated Mass on Thursday, February 23, 2017. Fr. Selma, OAR gave an introduction of the OAR, their life and mission around the world. He also explained the purposes of their visit. He answered a parish volunteer’s question on the difference between religious and secular priests. He emphasized the importance of community among OARs. For his part, Fr. Almayo, shared a brief history of the four (4) periods of OAR presence in the Marianas from 1769 to present. After the dialogue, the San Roque volunteers prepared simple dinner and fellowship for the OAR provincials.