Love is about giving and sharing.

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In last Sunday’s El Shaddai service, Bro. Ping started his talk with the song “Ang Salita ng Diyos” which translated in Tagalog as “The Word of God”. The lyrics of the song say, “that the Word of God gives healing and power. We all must listen to the Word of God so that we will be blessed. Because when we listen to His Word, there is conviction and conversion.”

Bro. Ping’s talk was biblically rooted on John 15:9-17. In this Gospel passage, we are called by God to bear much fruit. We have the fruit of the Holy Spirit, the gift of the Holy Spirit and the actual fruit of our faith, which is to bring people to salvation. All of this is bonded in the love of God and neighbor.

According to Bro. Ping, when we have love in our hearts, we can share it with other people. He shared anecdotes about the time when he first moved to Saipan from Tinian. He remembered how one of the sisters in El Shaddai helped him find accommodations in Saipan. He also recalled a time when he got sick and was vomiting because of vertigo, and his brothers and sisters in El Shaddai helped him restore his physical health and wellness. For Bro. Ping, these are examples of love through giving and sharing.

The underlying message of Bro. Ping’s talk is that love is about giving and sharing, especially to those who are in need. Whatever you give comes back to you ten folds. Whatever goodness you show to a person will be reciprocated. By giving, we will be ready in our journey to salvation.

As children of God, it’s not enough to sit, listen, and absorb the Gospel of God. We must put into action the words of God, which means we are to share love with others. Listening to the Gospel means nothing if it does not manifest within us.

Our Lord Jesus Christ wants us not only to listen to His words, but also to bear fruits and share our blessings. Love is something that you give to show how good your God is.

El Shaddai prayer partners welcome all those who want to experience the joy of worshipping God in Spirit and in truth at San Antonio Parish every Sunday at 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM which immediately followed by Eucharistic celebration.

Put God first. To God be the Glory.

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