Initial Draft of Diocesan Pastoral Plan Completed
Document available for review and comments

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The Pastoral Planning Committee have completed the initial draft of the 5-year Pastoral Plan. This is the fruit of a year-long process of listening sessions, workshops and discussions in all levels of the diocese.

On October 31st, Bishop Ryan has released to the clergy the copy of the draft. It will be also available for the faithful in the diocesan website and Facebook page.

Included in the document are Vision / Mission Statement and the Core Values of the diocese. Also included are the goal statements, objectives and the different action plans specified for the six ministry priorities identified by the committee: Evangelization and Faith Formation, Liturgy, Marriage and Family Life, Social Justice and Outreach, Vocation and Youth ministry.

Bishop Ryan has asked each pastors to share the draft document to their respective parishioners for any comments or feedbacks. The committee is also encouraging all the faithful to actively participate but going over the document and submit comments, recommendations or feedbacks. Comments can be directly submitted to Bishop Ryan at

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