“I have the Islands very deep in my heart.” Mother Margarita’s visit to Saipan, 1928. (photo right)


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(A prayer-letter to Blessed Margarita Maria Maturana for the Feast of All Saints Day and All Souls Day)

Dear Blessed Margarita Maria Maturana,

The Church has given you the title of “Blessed” and the title of Saint is still an on-going process. We know that while on earth you made it your mission to spread the faith. you prayed, worked tirelessly, prayed some more, wor- ried, continued to pray, and you traveled. After mass on the Feast of Christ the King, 90 years ago on October 30, 1927, your sisters began their journey to Saipan. It would take the sisters four (4) months to travel from Spain to Saipan. you yourself came to Saipan twice and walked the roads of our villages, celebrated Holy Mass with us and looked after the welfare of your sisters. We know that your life’s work was the mis- sions and that you had great LOvE for the Church here in the islands.

How fitting it is that with the blessing of Christ the King for your mission to Saipan, that today your picture is next to the statue of Christ the King in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Cathedral. you continue to inspire us and remind us of the beauty and richness of our Catholic Faith. Our Lord, Christ the King, who takes care of all His people, brought you here. You simply reflected God’s great Love for us.

Today we not only thank you for your example of great faith, but we also ask you to continue your mis- sion from above and intercede for the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa. Intercede to Kristo Rai for us Mother Margarita, as in a few weeks we will celebrate the Feast of Kristo Rai. May Our Lord and Blessed Mother bless and guide our Bishop, Ryan Jimenez, our vicar General/Pastor, Fr. Kenneth Hezel, S.J. and all our Pastors and religious Sisters. Mother Margarita, please pray for all the people of God in our diocese. We desire to grow in our Catholic faith which you and the Saints inspire us to do. Help us to strive to live our faith as passionately as you did with the same Love that you had for Our Lord, Our Blessed Mother, and the Church.

You passed away on July 23, 1934, only two days short of your fiftieth birthday. You knew how much work there was to be done and you knew you were passing a great burden to the sister that would take your place. With great love and concern you told her not to worry, as you would help her from heaven. Today, with our simple faith, we hold on to your words, “I will help you from heaven,” knowing that you will indeed help us in our time of need.

Biba Kristo Rai!

Mother Margarita Maturana Pray for Us!

(Note: In 1927, the Feast of Christ the King was celebrated the last Sunday of October.)

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