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There’s a time to ask and a time to receive. There’s a time to give and a time to gain. A time to loose and time to recover. A time to pray for something and a time to receive another thing. Have you ever asked God for something but he answered you in somewhat strange way?

When we sometimes feel down and weak, we ask God for strength hoping that he’ll improve our health and stable us, but he sends us difficulties and trials instead. Later we realize their importance to make us resilient. God has a purpose for sending these undesirable stuffs.

Someone shared with me his beautiful Christmas story. One day in Christmas, he went to church and prayed to God for peace and forgiveness. To his nerving surprise, he met at the church door the person whom he considered mortal enemy all the years. By instinctual drive, he greeted him a Merry Christmas and the person responded to him likewise. In a pulsating moment, their hands clasped in warm handshake that drained down all anger and hatred from both hearts he said. What ensued right thereafter was peace and joy. He calls it a moment of divine providence, a reconciliation planned by God, the best Christmas gift he received. Two mortal enemies turned, “BFF”, “ Best Friends Forever”.  Do you have your Christmas story to tell? Share it with us.     

God appeared to Elijah, the prophet, not in powerful wind, earthquake nor fire, but in gentle whisper. ( 1Kings 19: 11-12). God could save the world without sending down his Son to be born poor and die cruelly. But had He taken that route, we won’t have Christmas and Easter celebrations. His ways are not our ways.

Have you ever thought that despite your debilitating health and chronic illness coupled with pain and discomfort all over your body, but you’re still up and around to celebrate Christmas 2018 with your loved ones? I know of a terminally sick person given few months to live by the doctor, but still around five years thence? Why is it? God knows best.

On the flip side, someone said to turn your worries into worship and watch God turn your battles into blessings. Those who thank God even in trials, turn ugly fate into favors, so keep your faith close to God’s heart and he’ll provide. Prayer is the best armor against all odds. God’s timing is forever accurate, trust Him. God’s love for you is based on Jesus’ sacrifice, not your circumstances. Someone asked for wisdom and God gave him problems to solve. He asked for courage, God gave him dangers to overcome. He asked for patience and God placed him situations where he was forced to wait. He asked for love, and God gave him troubled people to help. He asked for favors, and God gave him opportunities. He said that he received nothing he wanted, but he received everything he needed. Therefore all his prayers were answered. “ So humble yourself under the mighty power of God, and at the right time He will lift you up in honor. ( 1 Peter 5: 6). Amen on that folks!!

St. Faustina wrote Jesus’ words; “  The Divine Mercy will triumphed over the whole world and will be worshipped by all souls.”(diary 1789).

Pray the Divine Mercy every 3 p.m. Daily pray the Holy Rosary for peace in our families and in the world.

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