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It is a story told and re-told over the centuries and never loses steam and substance because it is a true story told firsthand by Jesus’ close friends, Mary of Magdala, Peter and the disciple whom Jesus loved.  It’s a joyous and salvific event crowning the Holy Week’s episode of Jesus’ passion and death on the cross. What makes Easter so delightful and festive is the fact that it’s an actual event, not a legend or folk tale that took place in human history. Easter is about Jesus, his love changed our lives. His resurrection is a celebration of new life, people of different backgrounds expressed it in their own traditional and cultural practices. It’s effects and meaning come with conversion and transformation of many hearts.                

Easter is a Breaking News about Jesus’ message of salvation that brought hope and light to those living in sin and confusion. It defied and shamed the speculation of Jesus’s adversaries about himself as the Son of God. The mystery of the Resurrection is known to the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit alone, but this event was manifested through Jesus’ appearances to his disciples and apostles, assuring them that he is alive, he gave them his peace. 

Jesus’ resurrection guarantees our resurrection from death and gift of eternal life at the end of time. But we have our daily deaths when we’re pinned down by the weight of life’s adversities and burdens. Jesus raises and restores us up with his grace and mercy if we trust in him. This is our Easter. 

There was this guy who was on the edge of depression and contemplating suicide after losing his job with piles of bills and serious health issues, but then his friends and colleagues rescued him from impending  danger of moral and physical tragedy by helped him out. That was his Easter.

A wife lost her husband at an early stage of marriage, but she worked hard, didn’t give up, took care of her children and managed to survive. All her children finished school, one became a priest. That was her Easter.           

Do you recall a time of your life when you were carrying a world of problems and pains but then you went through your storms because of your faith and trust in God? That was your Easter.

Easter is God’s gift of forgiveness for us sinners. Would you give your enemy the Easter gift of forgiveness too? That’s your Easter.  

Easter is Jesus’ restoration of humankind’s broken relationship with God. Would you restore your severed relationship with your spouse or child? That’s your Easter.

On the flip side, someone said, that when we put our cares in his hand, he puts his peace in pour hearts. “ When you’re down to nothing, God is up for something.”( Proverbs. 16:9) If I lost everything, I still have GOD, that’s enough to start over again. What you have is not by chance or luck, it was all God’s favor and grace.  Do not be a prisoner of your past, it was just a lesson, not a life sentence. Let God handle your enemies, you just keep praying for them.  Amen on that folks!!   

St. Faustina wrote Jesus’ words: “ Do not fear anything; I’m always with you.” ( Diary 613).

Pray the Divine Mercy every 3 p.m. Daily recite the Chaplet of Mercy for peace in our families and in the world.

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