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Lent is a time to journey into the desert and find deeper trust in God. Lent is about conversion, turning one’s life more completely over to Christ, leaving behind an old way of living and acting and being healed through the love of God. In this period, the three Candidates for the Sacrament of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation scrutinize their life to identify weaknesses, temptations, and obstacles that stand in the way of discipleship. Last Saturday, April 13, 2019, at Maturana House of Prayer, 24 RCIA Candidates gathered together in preparation to celebrate the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil.

Bishop Ryan Jimenez in his few words before the start of prayer, welcomed the Elect and theother Candidates into the full communion to the Catholic Church and challenged them to be truly involved in the life of the Church. He also thanked the godparents as they accept the responsibility of guiding the candidates in their journey of faith.

As part of the retreat experience, the group spend time in Scripture reflection, small group sharing, and common prayer as a means to enhance the ritual celebrations at the Easter Vigil.In a prayerful quiet time in the afternoon before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, each of the candidates received the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Some of the Confirmation Sponsors accompanied the group in prayer and some joined the group for lunch together with the other catechists. The day ended with the practice of the Easter Vigil Rites at Mt. Carmel Cathedral.

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