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Jesus summoned the Twelve and sent them out two by two and gave them authority over unclean spirits. He instructed them to take nothing on the journey but a walking stick—no food, no sack, no money in their belts. They were, however, to wear sandals but not a second they went off and preached repentance. The Twelve drove out many demons, and they anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them. ( Mk. 6:7-13). Somewhere in Matthew’s Gospel 10: 7, Jesus told them; ” As you go, make this proclamation: “ The Kingdom of heaven is at hand”.

The disciples received from Jesus the calling and were sent to proclaim God’s Kingdom and His message of salvation. They were focused on their mission and faithful to their Master.

Whatever we do let’s not forget to thank God, the giver of what we have and provider of what we need. We are only his servants carrying his marching orders. Always remember that leadership is not a profession but a calling to lead and to serve.

Jesus wants His disciples to be simple and light in their mission, to focus and rely on Him and not worry about their provision. He knew what await His disciples out there.

Likewise, Jesus tells us to depend on Him, he knows our needs, he knows about tomorrow, he knows our weakness and limitations. “ He can turn the tide and calm the angry sea. He alone decides who writes the symphony. He lights every  . star that makes our darkness bright, he keeps watch all through each long and lonely night. He can grant a wish or make our dream come true. He can paint the clouds and turn the gray to blue. He alone knows where to find the rainbow’s end, he alone can see what lies beyond the bend. He can touch a tree and turn the leaves to gold, he knows every lie that you and I have told.” ( Song “He” lyrics.)

The Lord keeps watch on us, he is there when we sleep and when we wake up, he is with us in our joys and sorrows, he is there in our triumphs and defeats, he is at our side, let’s trust him.

The Lord sent his disciples two by two indicating the importance of team work and community. Let’s support each other and be united with the Lord. No superstar in the team, only Jesus is the Superstar.

The disciples preached repentance. Let us preach not about ourselves and our agenda, but about God’s mercy and love. Let’s learn to fade away, stay behind the limelight. The thing is that we don’t aspire for perks and rewards but God’s glory. Let’s take the road less travelled.

On the flip side, someone said that when God permits suffering, He also provides comfort. Once you carry your own water, you’ll value every drop. Don’t stress what you can’t control, take life a day at a time. When you’re down, look up for God is there. You’re never too old to set another goal, or to dream another dream. ( C.S. Lewis). Don’t you know that the best things happen unexpectedly? Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction, ends up the biggest step of your life. Amen on that folks!!

St. Faustina wrote Jesus words; “ Do not fear anything, I’m with you”. ( Diary 573).

Pray the Divine Mercy every 3 p.m. Daily pray the Chaplet of Mercy and the Holy Rosary for peace in our families throughout the world.

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