Bishop Ryan with Fr. Allan together with San Roque Parish Youth Ministry during Bishop's Parochial visit on Sunday, January 22, 2017.

Bishop Ryan Visit San Roque Parish Youth

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By Miguel Aninon

When our pastor, Fr. Allan Cabatian, OAR announced to all members of the San Roque Youth Ministry (which includes altar servers, choir members, CCD students) that Bishop Ryan would be visiting our parish, I asked myself- “What’s so special about it?”  I got even more curious when Fr. Allan emphasized that there would be a “Youth Audience with the Bishop” and that it is mandatory for all youth members to attend. Confused, I asked myself: “Youth Audience? What’s that?”

Prior to the Youth Audience with the Bishop, I heard positive comments from our parish elders on how they were so touched with the Bishop’s session with them last Saturday, January 21, 2017. I was wondering what would be its impact on us, parish youth…will it be like last night’s successful meeting with elders?

All these hanging questions and feelings of apprehension cleared after our awesome “jamming session” with Bishop Ryan last Sunday, January 22, 2017.  Listening to his talk and actively participating in the sessions made me realize that the person talking to us is not just the Father Ryan we’ve known before.  He definitely “leveled up”!  Bishop Ryan must be taking his new role seriously. And this pilot parochial visit & listening session to our parish is one big step towards understanding the needs of his flock, most particularly us: the youth of the Church.

After the meeting, the youth group had a simple fellowship with Bishop Ryan at the Social Hall.  I felt joy and camaraderie among us.  We were all “at home” with our Bishop Ryan who shared with us the pansit, lumpia and sandwiches prepared by our elders.

With grateful hearts, we would like to thank Bishop Ryan for this memorable Parochial Visit. We opened up to him, we voiced out our concerns, and he listened.  It’s going to be a long journey with him and for us, young men and women serving the church. This parochial visit inspired and motivated us to take more responsible roles in the future. We will work hand in hand with Bishop Ryan to keep our faith alive!

Bishop Ryan met with Fr. Allan and volunteers of San Roque Parish involved in various parish ministries on January 21, 2016. Bishop Ryan has started his parish visitation and listening sessions with parishioners.

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