Bishop Ryan Hosts First Pastoral Planning Forum in May

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The Bishop’s Committee on Diocesan Pastoral Planning will host a full day forum on Thursday, May 18, 2017, at the San Antonio Parish Social Hall. The forum will be the first opportunity during the pastoral planning process for the clergy and various diocesan partners to come together to discern the direction of the Diocese in the next five years. Meeting participants will include the clergy, religious sisters, chancery and curiae personnel, and representatives from the parishes, schools, ministries and other collaborating partners. The Diocese’s mission, vision, and framework goals will be discussed.

The forum will be facilitated by Fr. Fran Hezel, S.J., a long serving resident of Micronesia and author of several books on the history of Micronesia and is now Parochial Vicar of Santa Barbara Catholic Church in Guam. His Excellency Michael J. Brynes, Coadjutor Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Agana, will be visiting as guest presenter in one of the sessions.

The Committee hopes for the meeting to continue the work of our collective discernment as a people of God in the Northern Mariana Islands. Standard reflection questions may include: What direction do we take and what timeframe do we give ourselves for the journey? Where are we now and how do we get to where we hope to be? Fr. Ken Hezel, S.J., the Vicar General of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa and a member of the BCDPP, offered guidance for this stage of the planning process: “We can contribute to the discernment by reflecting on the early church as we listen to our readings from the Acts of the Apostles during Easter. We might ask ourselves: “In what way should we strive to more like them?” For example, after the disciples “encountered Jesus” along the way, they went to tell others about it. So, one aspect of our Vision might be to become a community of missionary disciples.

As the forum date approaches, additional information will be provided to various parishes and designated attendees. For additional information, please contact Laling Babauta at 234 3000.

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