Yutu and Advent

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It is Advent now and the CNMI is still in the early phases of its recovery from the devastation brought about by Super Typhoon Yutu.

Many have been spending hours in aid lines—or in lines which will then enable them to get in line for aid.  After the lines, there is even more waiting.

For some, the waiting is fruitless and they are denied help. Others receive some assistance but it is not quite enough to cover their immediate, basic needs.

In addition to the usual sort of help Karidat offers (recycled clothing giveaway, some canned food distribution, help in searching for available rentals, etc.), we have been trying on a case-by-case basis to meet some of the needs left by these gaps in aid:

  • Karidat purchased futons when the family who took in their newly-homeless elderly neighbors could not afford mattresses for their new guests
  • The single mother who needed just a little help in making the rest of her bills, which the Red Cross aid did not cover
  • Some help for those who do not qualify for FEMA and who also lost their only source of income as a result of the storm

Sometimes we are not able to provide material help at all and that is always painful. Many, even some of our own staff, are feeling burdened by severe losses and hardship.

So here we are in Advent, waiting for relief from hardship and holding on to the promises of Christ. The readings are full of promises–of a time full of peace and harmony unlike ever before in human history–where instead of competition and violence there is love, and instead of scarcity there is abundance.

On the mountain of the Lord he will provide for all people a feast of rich food and choice wine…” (Isaiah 25:6)

“He shall rescue the poor when they cry out, and the afflicted when they have no one to help them.” (Psalm 72:12)

“The Lord God will wipe away the tears from all faces.” (Isaiah 25:8b)

So we continue in hope, waiting for the end of time when all is set right. In the meantime we help where we can. Please join with us in serving.

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Posted by - March 30, 2019 0
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