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The Asian Apostolic Congress on Mercy (AACOM) is a gathering of Divine Mercy devotees and promoters joined in by cardinals, bishops, priests, religious and laity. Participants have the opportunity to listen to speakers on topics related to the theme of the Congress.

Enrichment through the first-hand testimonies and sharing from representatives of different Asian countries add depth to the experience of this religious gathering in an atmosphere of  love and mercy.

The ultimate objective of the Asian Apostolic Congress on Mercy (AACOM) is to strengthen and promote the devotion to the Divine Mercy while giving deeper insight into the practice and enculturation of the devotion among Asian nations.

The Asian Divine Mercy Congress is held every three years, the first of which was  in Manila in 2009 with the theme of, “ Mercy, the face of the Son of Man in Asia”. The second was in Thailand in 2012, and the theme was; “ Mercy, compassion, a way of life among the people of Asia.” The third was in Medan, Indonesia in 2015 with thrust on, “ Jesus Christ the Mercy of God; the way of reconciliation in Asia.” The fourth and latest one was recently held in Penang, Malaysia on September 26-28, 2018 and the message was; “ Experiencing Mercy through the Joy of the Gospel in Asia.” It was a humbling experience to speak in the first, third and fourth Congress and this time with Archbishop Michael Jude Byrnes.

Guam had a delegation of seventy two members to the 4th Asian Apostolic Congress on Mercy (AACOM4) with Archbishop Michael Jude Byrnes, Monsignor Bibi Arroyo, Fr. Carl Vila and yours truly. The venue was at the brand new state-of-the-art Spice convention center in the industrial city of Penang, Malaysia with multi-ethnic population of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Christians The people are hospitable, the city is clean with its high rise sky line and landscape exuding a blend of modern and exotic historical ambiance.

The three-day Divine Mercy Congress was organized with best efforts and caring hearts to give participants a spiritually rich learning experience of the mercy of God through the joy of the Gospel.

The event opened with the parade of flags from various participating countries and entrance of dignitaries. Mr. Ben Mesa, one of our coordinators jubilantly carried the Guam flag amidst the cheers especially from the Guam delegation. Program for each day consisted of Lectio Divina, Divine Mercy prayers and Chaplet (sung), adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, reflection, songs, interaction of old and new friends, socialization, sumptuous meals, talks, sharing and Holy Mass. In attendance were Bishops, Archbishops, about a hundred priests and Religious, religious nuns and brothers, and lay people to the tune of about 1,300 participants coming from Asia/Pacific, U.S, Canada and Europe.

Each day’s program showcased talks and testimonies:

Day 1:  “ Mercy in the Life and Writings of St. Faustina” by Rev. Fr. Seraphim Michalenco, MIC- U.S.A. Testimony- Marie Romagnano, RN, U.S.A. “ Mercy in the Life and Writings of JP11’ by Monsignor Krzysztof Marcjanowics, Vatican representative from the dycastery. Testimony- Dr. Tony Baloyot-Philippines. “ Mercy and the Sacrament of the Eucharist” by Bishop Ruperto Santos D.D.- Philippines.

Day 2: “Mercy in the life of the consecrated men and women” by Sr. Teresa De la Fuente of Our Lady of Mercy-Poland-Convent of St. Faustina. Testimony-Sr. Diana Kucsek of Our Lady of Mercy-Poland-Convent of St. Faustina. “ Mercy and the Sacrament of Reconciliation” by Archbishop Anicetus Sinaga, Archdiocese of Medan, Indonesia. Testimony- Mr. Peter Chan- Indonesia. “ Mercy is a Joyful Mission” by Bishop Sebastian Francis D.D. DSPN, Diocese of Penang, Malaysia President, Catholic Bishop’s Conference of Malaysia and Brunei.

Day 3: “ Mercy in the Youth ministry” by Archbishop Simon Poh Hoon Seng, D.D. Archbishop of Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tetimony-Paul Julianose. “ Mercy in Evangelization” by Rev. Fr. Simon Pereira, CSSR. Testimony-Mrs. Jennifer Yeo-Singapore. “ Mercy in the light of Scriptural Considerations” by Archbishop Michael Jude Byrnes, D.D. Testimony- Fr. Joel de los Reyes.

At the core of the whole event is Jesus, the Divine Mercy. Words are not enough to describe the joyful experience of this gathering with God’s blessing and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Being characterized and bearers of God’s mercy should be the evident fruits of this Congress.

On the flip side, someone said that God has made everything beautiful in its time. Remember that the God who made the most beautiful sights on earth also made you. Don’t be a people pleaser, be a God pleaser. There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page and closing the book. Pray for God’s wisdom. Amen on that folks !!

Jesus King of Mercy, I trust in You.

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