Evacuees who were rescued from the floodwaters of Tropical Storm Harvey wait to board school buses bound for Louisiana Aug. 31 in Vidor, Texas. (CNS photo/Jonathan Bachman, Reuters)

2nd collection for victims of hurricane Harvey

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The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has announced a call for emergency collection to assist the victims of Hurricane Harvey in Southeast Texas. The Hurricane, which brought in very strong winds and torrential rains have caused a lot of damage to the affected areas with approximately twelve (12) million persons affected.

This emergency collection will be used both to support the humanitarian and recovery efforts of Catholic Charities USA and to provide pastoral and rebuilding support to impacted dioceses through the USCCB.

Our diocese, through our social services arm Karidat, has been a very fortunate recipient of the same generosity when our islands were struck by Typhoon Soudelor back in August of 2015. On this same gesture, we would like to appeal to the faithful’s compassionate hearts through a 2nd collection in all masses to be celebrated on September 9, 2017. All collections will be remitted to USCCB.

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