Wisdom & Bits of Knowledge

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“God’s Pencil has NO Eraser”    

By: Ambrose Milton Bennett

My Brothers and Sisters, God has placed his will in my heart to do more in his name. I pray that my writings on divine topics will be well received in my attempt to help people spiritually by being a voice for God, Christ and the Church through the talent that was God given to me – writing. I am a Baptized Catholic and Biblical Scholar who was educated and immersed in Christian Theological Subject Matter for over the span of 50 years participating in a plethora of Bible Study Groups & Programs, Christian Training Union Classes, Sunday School Classes, Vacation Bible School and personal collaboration and consultations with many members of the Clergy. I am sharing these lessons on Religious Topics taken from the book “Wisdom & Bits of Knowledge” that I co-authored with the late Pastor L. O. Taylor.

Wisdom and Knowledge for Thought

A pencil is an article used in writing; it can be purchased for as low as nickel and even “two for the price of one”. But that little simple and productive tool has a lesson for everyone living.

FIRST, the ordinary pencil is wood outside with the led on the inside. The writing is done with the INSIDE of the pencil, but to get too the inside of the pencil, you must cut away the outside. The inside is what counts most. So the lesson is the RIGHT or GOOD that was put in your heart at birth is what counts and not your faults of the flesh. Do God’s work, be happy and pray to defeat the diseases and evils of the world that tear away at your flesh because if you keep God, and what’s RIGHT and GOOD in the center of your heart like the pencil led and you can’t go wrong with your stay on planet Earth.

SECOND, on top of the ordinary pencil is an eraser made of rubber to remove all crooked, incorrect and unintentional marks made by the led. The eraser is part of the pencil and will remove all the mistakes made by the led so the led and the eraser actually work together to serve the purpose of the writer. The pencil sacrifices itself to serve the purpose of the writer with the led and eraser being all used up.
By: Pastor L. O. Taylor

We can learn the lesson taught to us by the pencil and Mother/Saint Theresa on “Service through Sacrifice” as one of her favorite sayings was “GIVE until it HURTS” – giving God a dollar when you have a thousand in your account IS NOT a sacrifice. A worn out pencil and people of God will say these words to you: “I am worn and all used up, but look at all the pages of good work I have written or done that will last and may even live FOREVER’! The pencil is truly far more powerful than the sword and we are all more powerful than evil with faith sacrifice and God’s helping-hand.

“God’s Pencil has NO Eraser”

A Metaphoric Poem By: Ambrose Milton Bennett

Unlike the ordinary pencil God’s pencil has no eraser
It’s not made of wood or gold and it works like a laser

God writes down everything on a stone wall that we do
To make sure our story is told full and true

He even writes down the things we fail to do
Just so he will have proof for the penalties that are due

God has no need for an eraser in his record of life
There is no need to erase the truth and our sacrifice

We must live our life true and right
Taking on demons and evil to win every fight

God is recording it all with his pencil on Time’s Wall
Just keep your faith in God and you will surely stand tall

Your record at Heaven’s Gate will be final and true
God doesn’t erase BUT God does forgive – and entering Heaven is still up to YOU

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