Various Ministries in our Parishes

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As we continue to share the different parts of the Mass, our focus this week are the various ministries in our parishes especially during Mass.

We must be clear that every liturgy is celebrated by the entire church community. While the majority of those present at Mass participate as members of the assembly, there is a small group who serves the community by filling various ministerial roles.

  • Because of his ordination, the PRIEST is given the power to offer the sacrifice of the Mass in the person of Christ and not as the individual himself.  The priest joins the assembly to himself in order to offer the Mass through Christ the Father.
  • We also sometimes see a DEACON assisting at Mass.  The Deacon, though ordained, does not have the same sacred powers as the priest in a liturgical celebration.  He does, however, have the responsibility to help both the Bishop and the Priest in the celebration of the divine mysteries, and has his own duties to perform during the Mass, especially in association with the Gospel reading and the care of the chalice during Communion.

Lay Ministers also play an important part in the celebration of a liturgy.  In the celebration of the Mass, we see the following:

  • The ALTAR SERVERS assist the priest throughout the Mass by making sure that the objects required are ready and available. 
  • Our LECTORS proclaim the readings from Scripture (though not the Gospel), and it is in part through them that God speaks directly to all of us.
  • The EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION (EMHC) assist the priest and deacon in the distribution of Communion to the assembly. These ministers are called ‘extraordinary’ because they are not the ‘ordinary’ minister of Communion. The ‘ordinary’ is the priest.  The EMHC will also, when necessary, take the Blessed Sacrament to those who are sick or homebound, and therefore include in the liturgy those of the community who are prevented from attending.

Along with those ministries performed during a liturgy, there are many ministries in a parish community.  Some are connected to the celebration of Mass, such as the hospitality or ‘greeters’ ministers and the sacristan.  Other ministries are tied to the life of the parish outside of the liturgy, such as the Catechists, Youth Ministry, those who work with he poor and needy, and many more.

In our efforts to continue the work of salvation in liturgical celebrations and in the daily life of our community, we realize that there are many roles to be filled.  It is only fitting, then, that they should be performed by the many members of our church community, according to their talents and abilities.

All of our parishes in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa need ministers in the different ministries and welcomes volunteers for the different parish activities.  Everyone is encouraged to be involved to share talents and skills.

Thank you and May God Bless Us All.

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