The Shepherd’s Voice

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I recently had dinner with some friends at a restaurant. Sitting across from us was a mother and her four children. When they were about ready to leave, the mother said, “Okay kids, let’s go”. Three of her kids immediately got up and headed for the door. One child however, stayed glued to his seat because he was playing a game on his cellphone. The mother kept repeating his name, saying, “Come on let’s go, it’s time to go home”. After the 7th time, the child finally stood up and left with his mother and siblings.

Now maybe this story sounds all too familiar for parents, but I think it gives us a good image for today’s gospel. How many times have we been like that child, failing to listen to God’s voice? At times, we have been distracted by other priorities, projects, and desires in our life. But God remains patient, constantly inviting us back to Himself. Jesus tells us that He is the Good Shepherd who watches over His flock. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus “walks ahead” of us to show us the way. In addition, “the sheep follow him, because they recognize his voice. They will not follow a stranger…because they do not recognize the voice of strangers”.

If we belong to Jesus’ flock, then we will listen to His voice and follow Him. Some ways we follow the Shepherd’s voice is by personal prayer, the mass, Scriptures, Church teachings, and learning more about our faith. We are aware that there are other “voices” in the world, tempting us to stray aware from the Good Shepherd. Maybe it’s the voice of personal pleasure and entertainment that says, “It’s okay to skip mass this one day, it’s just one day, go to the beach or be lazy. Make time for something else. God can wait”.

Again, we have all been that child in the restaurant. We get distracted and loose sight of the Shepherd.  Maybe someone reading this reflection has strayed away for a long time. Please be confident that God will always welcome us back. We simply need to get up, leave sin behind, and listen to His voice. We also pray for an increase in vocations to priesthood and religious life. May more young people listen to the voice of God in their lives and serve the flock in our Diocese.

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