The Liturgy of the Word

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Last week we had the opportunity to familiarize ourselves on what the word LITURGY means. This week, our focus will be on the Liturgy of the Word.

The Mass consists of two main parts, the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist (along with opening and closing rites).  We often think of these two main parts as being separate, almost as if they have nothing to do with each other.  But in reality, the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist are so closely connected that they form one single act of worship.  In the Mass, we celebrate at two tables, the ambo (or pulpit) and the altar.  At these two tables, we come in contact with and are fed by Jesus as both the Word of God and the Bread of Life.

The Liturgy of the Word is the part of the Mass when we experience God through the proclamation of Scripture and then respond in faith.  The Liturgy of the Word begins with the First Reading followed by the Responsorial Psalm and the Second Reading.  On the greater feasts and solemnities such as Pentecost and Corpus Christi, a sequence is sung immediately after the Second Reading.  Generally speaking, though, the Gospel Acclamation and the Proclamation of the Gospel follow.  After the Gospel Proclamation, then comes the homily which gives an opportunity for the presiding priest to guide the assembly in applying the Good News of the Scriptures to our daily life.  The Liturgy of the Word concludes with the Proclamation of Faith, also called the Creed, and followed by the Universal Prayers, sometimes called the General Intercessions or the Prayers of the Faithful.

Throughout the Liturgy of the Word, we take turns between moments of receiving the Word (primarily the readings and the homily), and responding to the Word as members of the assembly (the response to the Psalm, the Gospel Acclamation, the Creed and the Prayers of the Faithful) and as individuals (moments of silence for reflection throughout the liturgy).

In a community which values literacy and the written word so highly, it is easy to think that the ‘Word’ we encounter is actually the lectionary, the physical object from which the scripture is read.  But the Word of God that we encounter in the Mass is the actual proclamation, in the sense that God is speaking directly to us through the voice of the lector or presider.  The entire Liturgy of the Word is really like a conversation we are having with God, one which deepens our relationship with Him and strengthen our faith.

Next week’s article will focus on the second part of the Mass, – the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

Thank you and May God Bless Us All.

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