The Celebration of Christian Funerals in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa – State Funerals

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In previous years, it has been the practice here in our Diocese to have civil activities related to a state funeral held in the Church prior to the funeral Mass and burial of local dignitaries.  State Funerals normally includes armed color guards, eulogies and readings and presentations of Legislative resolutions to the family of the bereaved.  This was allowed because for many years, our island was not equipped with large buildings or facilities to hold the number of people who usually attend state funerals.

However, in recent years, our islands have constructed other facilities large enough to accommodate large number of people.  These include facilities such as the multi-purpose building, social halls, legislative chambers and many others which are more than adequate for such gatherings.  Furthermore, at the Federal, State and Territorial levels, it is normally the practice to have state funeral activities at a site other than the Church.

The Guidelines for Funerals approved for the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa indicates that because there are now adequate facilities to hold the solemnities for the secular part of a state funeral, it is the policy of this Diocese that only that aspect of the state funeral which is part of the Christian Rite of Burial – the funeral Mass and related prayers will be allowed in a Catholic Church here in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa as part of state funerals.  Furthermore, honor guards with guns or flags are asked to leave their guns and flags at the door of the Church, as well as to remove any hats they may be wearing, as a sign of respect for God, whose place of worship they are entering.  The Diocese of Chalan Kanoa wants to make it clear that the purpose of this policy is not to prohibit the family and friends from honoring their loved ones but to limit excessive and inappropriate secular displays in a place of worship.

Next week, we will address the cemetery regulations here in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa which will also be the final article about the Celebration of Christian Funerals in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa. 

Thank you and May God Bless Us All.

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