The Celebration of Christian Funerals in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa – Cemetery Regulations

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The Celebration of Christian Funerals in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa – Cemetery Regulations

We have come to the final section of the approved Guidelines for the Celebration of Christian Funerals in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa.  The article will focus on the regulations for the Mt. Carmel Cathedral Cemetery.

The Mt. Carmel Cathedral Cemetery, located in Chalan Kanoa, is a sacred, reverent and a prayerful space, and is an extension of the Catholic Church.  It ensures that those who are together in life are kept together in death.  So, by reason of its sacred character as a resting place for those brother and sisters in Christ who have gone before us in death and as an institution of the Church, a Catholic cemetery is governed by the universal law of the Church.

Canon 1243 of the Code of Canon Law provides the local Bishop with the authority to enact regulations necessary for the management of Church cemeteries within his Diocese in a manner that fosters and protects their sacred character.  Acting under the authority of canon 1243, the Bishop of Chalan Kanoa, Bishop Ryan Jimenez hereby declares the following regulations:

  1. The Mt. Carmel Cathedral Cemetery at Chalan Kanoa is under the direction of the Cathedral Rector, Fr. Jason Granado.
  2. All other parishes on Saipan may have the Christian burial of their deceased members at the Cathedral cemetery.
  3. As soon as notice of death is served, the one responsible must come to the Cathedral rectory to fill up the “Death and Funeral Information” form and have a burial plot assigned.
  4. The grave must be at least six (6) feet deep.
  5. Neighboring graves must be respected, especially when dumping weeds or trash.
  6. No one is allowed to construct a fence or monument, other than a small head stone, unless such construction is first approved by the Cathedral Rector. 
  7. No approval shall be given for a fenced space greater than 4’ x 8’.
  8. Anyone using a metal casket must also use a concrete crypt.  These crypts must be constructed with a double floor.
  9. Concrete crypts are not required if a wooden casket is used.
  10. Flowers may be planted on grave sites for decoration.  However, bushes or trees are not allowed.
  11. It is the primary responsibility of the family of the deceased to keep the grave site clean and well maintained throughout the year.
  12. It is encouraged that grave sites 10 (ten) years old or more be recycled with the family to which they have been assigned.
  13. A fee of $75.00 will be charged for the use of a burial plot in the Mt. Carmel Cathedral Cemetery.  This is a user’s fee, with ownership of the land remaining with the Church.

It is strongly encouraged that if anyone has any questions or needs further clarification(s) on the above regulations that they contact the Mt. Carmel Cathedral Chancery Office at 234-3000.

The Guidelines for the Celebration of Christian Funerals here in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa is available and can be viewed in its entirety in the Diocesan Website at  

Thank you and May God Bless Us All.

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