The Celebration of Christian Funerals in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa

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Losing someone to death is always very stressful for everyone who in one way or another is affiliated with the deceased.  I am sure that we all have experienced in our lives that no matter how prepared we may be, whenever death occurs in our family, it automatically becomes very stressful.  In our hearts, we all know that death is part of life.  In fact, death gives meaning to our existence because it reminds us how precious life is.

In the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa, a tremendous amount of work has been put in to come up with realistic guidelines to assist our Catholic Community in planning for a decent, prayerful and meaningful funeral. 

On May 05, 2019, Bishop Ryan Jimenez APPROVED the Liturgical Guidelines for the Celebration of CHRISTIAN FUNERALS and its FULL IMPLEMENTATION for our Diocese as recommended by the Commission on Worship and sanctioned by the Clergy.

For the next several series of “LITURGY in our Diocese”, I will be sharing the different sections of the approved guidelines.  This week will focus on the changes that have been approved.

1.         The funeral of any deceased should be celebrated in his/her parish.

2.        If a family chooses another church, it requires the consent of the priest in that parish and notification to the parish priest of the deceased.

3.        When ‘notice of death’ is served, the bereaved family must go and meet with the Pastor FIRST before making any other arrangements.

4.        On the day of the funeral, the priest will NO longer pick up the body at the morgue or funeral home.  The priest will greet the body at the church.

5.        During the viewing in the church, PowerPoint of photos of the deceased are NO LONGER ALLOWED in order to maintain the sacredness of the place and an atmosphere of prayer to the God of mercy.

6.        During the procession into the church, family members may carry symbols of Christian life such as Book of Gospel, Bible, Memorial Cross and Rosary.

7.        Other symbols such as flowers, candles, pictures and the like will no longer be processed into the church.

8.        Incensing of the casket will be done only ONCE during the funeral liturgy and will take place at the song for farewell.

As always, if there are any questions regarding the above article or any concerns regarding Liturgy in our Diocese, please addressed them to the Chairperson of the Commission on Worship, Mrs. Margaret DelaCruz at or call 285-6574. Thank you and May God Bless Us All.

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