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A friend shared the story about the sign at the door of a clinic which says: The Radiologist is: “ IN/OUT”. And the patient asked; Is the Radiologist on AM or FM band frequency?

Jesus talked about tribulation at the end of time and the signs that will accompany it. Through these signs, we’ll know that the end is near, but we won’t know when, where, how and the exact time. Not even our Lord would know but only His Father. ( Mk. 13:24-32).

There are realities behind the visible which our eyes can’t see nor our mind   comprehend. Only our faith sees through the great unknown. Being smart is truly admirable, but it’s unfortunate when one becomes self-conceited and selfish. Instead let us be humble and grateful to God for our capacities and talents that He gave us. As the liturgical year comes to an end, may it remind us that everything too will end one day.This is a hopeless human condition, but through faith we hope in Jesus’ promise of eternal life to the righteous. It’s wise to make a serious self-assessment whether our life’s agenda prioritize our love of God and neighbor because these will be the measure to eternal salvation. “ The King will say, truly, I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”….the righteous will go to eternal life. ( Mt. 25:35-40).

The sign of growing old sets in when we begin to forget, or say; what’s that again? But let’s not forget to thank God for gift of life, our past and present. You may have a sad and ugly past, but you changed and recovered by the grace of God and now you’re a new person. Let’s thank God for our family who is always there for us at all cost, our faithful friends who stand by us when everyone else has left us.

Let’s be a sign of good will to everyone despite our own mistakes and misgivings. Let’s be a sign of God’s forgiveness and mercy to others as He is to us. Let’s be a sign of hope to the despairing by our resilience in the midst of life’s tests and travails. Let our kindness and generosity be a sign of God’s love and blessings especially to the least among us. Let our sacrifices be a sign of courage and let the sunshine in to the hopeless and roofless. In what way are you a sign of God’s goodness in your organization, community or church?

On the flip side, someone said that we give thanks with a grateful heart and harvest love. “ Life with God is not immunity from difficulties but peace within difficulties.” ( C.S. Lewis). God’s plans will always be greater and more beautiful than all your disappointments. You can make many plans but the Lord’s purpose will prevail. We May have failed a thousand times, but God’s mercy always remains. When you judge others, you judge yourself. But judge you can judge me  when you are perfect. Amen on that folks!!

St. Faustina wrote Jesus’ words to her; “Oh, how I love those souls who have complete confidence in Me. I will do everything for them.” ( Diary no. 294).

Pray the Divine Mercy every 3 p.m. Pray the Chaplet of Mercy and the Holy Rosary daily for peace in our families and in the world.


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