San Roque Parish Youth Worship Night

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For almost two months, the youth leaders of the San Roque Parish Church have been in the planning stages of an acquaintance and worship night as part of their mission to bring back an active youth participation within the parish. Initially, it was scheduled to occur on October 21, 2017. However, due to the weather conditions that weekend, the leaders decided to postpone the event until November 11, 2017. Because this was the first official gathering the youth would have in years, the newly commissioned officers of the San Roque Parish Youth Ministry were determined to ensure that this event pulled through.

While the event encourages the youth of the San Roque Parish to attend, the event is open to all youth (ages 13+). The San Roque Parish Youth Ministry has made it their goal to welcome and welcome back the young generation through this gathering. The theme “Where You Belong” was chosen as a way to help the youth understand that the church is calling upon them to take their rightful place within its community.

Jace Pineda, newly commissioned President of the San Roque Parish Youth Ministry,

expressed her excitement for this event. “I strongly believe that this is a step in the right direction for our youth. For years, I have been hoping for someone to assume responsibility of maintaining an active youth group within our parish since I stepped down from this post in 2014. However, I am grateful to have the opportunity to be called back to the church once again in hopes of revitalizing our youth group.”

“This event is one I hold dear to my heart because I’ve always believed that we, the youth, must play a bigger role within our parish. Just as we are the future of our islands, we are also the future of our churches,” stated Pineda. “The reason behind the decision to host this acquain- tance night was to gather the youth so they may gain new friends, have fun, and most importantly obtain a better understanding of God’s love for each and every one of them,” she added.

The San Roque Youth Ministry cordially invites the youth to their “Where You Be- long” worship night on November 11, 2017 from 4:00 to 8:00 PM. The night will consist of games and prizes, songs, and moments of reflection. Dinner will be served. Please bring a friend!

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