Biba Santa Maria! It was a festive occasion last Sunday, May 28, 2017 as parishioners and community members flocked to San Antonio Parish for the May Flower Festival 2017 in celebration of the Centennial of Our Lady of Fatima. 32 lovely women – 22 queens and 10 parish representatives, together with the 2015 Little Mr. & Ms. San Antonio, paraded in beautifully decorated float, boat and convertibles. They were led by Fr. Romil Aperocho, parish priest of San Antonio After introduction for the entrance march inside the church, a short presentation of the finding of the true cross by Queen Helena ensued. The main event is the welcoming of the image of Our Lady of Fatima to the altar followed by its caping and crowning by the queens of the Santacruzan. Fr. Romil thanked everyone who came to help and support the event. Some candidates for the Santacruzan were asked to join, while others voluntarily joined by heart, selling tickets to help the church. He also called for all parishioners in the diocese to be united and continue helping one another as we are all one Church. In closing, the faithful offered the song “Salve Regina” for the Blessed Mother.
In the Philippines, the traditional Flores de Mayo or May Flower Festival, is done during the month of May in honor of the Blessed Mother. It is marked by prayers and offering of flowers which culminates in the “Santacruzan.” The Santacruzan is a religious-historical parade that started in the mid-1800s, the first being held in Malolos, Bulacan. It depicts the finding of the Holy Cross by Queen Helena of Constantinople and her son, Constantine the Great. It is said that the 75-year-old queen traveled to the Holy Land in search of the cross that Jesus was crucified on. She found three crosses and proved which cross was true, by having a woman who was already at the point of death, brought from Jerusalem. When the woman touched the first and second crosses, her condition did not change, but when she touched the third and final cross she suddenly recovered. Helena declared the cross with which the woman had been touched to be the True Cross upon which Jesus was crucified and brought it back to Rome.
The Santacruzan became a highlight in May festivities in the Philippines and while the tradition has evolved in some ways, one should not forget the origin and the true meaning behind the celebration. The different reynas or queens are not mere beauty titles but represent virtues – faith, hope and charity, some titles of the Blessed Mother, and includes important women in the Bible as well.
The May Flower Festival / Santacruzan is a fundraising project by the San Antonio Parish. Raffle draw will be held on June 11, 2017 and the proceeds will go to church projects and renovations.

The list of the “reynas” who joined in this event is as follows:
Reyna Caridad (Queen of Charity) : Phorn
Reyna Esperanza (Queen of Hope) : Ligaya Almodiel
Reyna Fe (Queen of Hope) : Avelina Lyn Reyes
Reyna Abogada : Pranee Nitjanphansri (LEK)
Reyna Sentenciada : Teresita J. Asunscion
Reyna Justicia (Mirror of Justice) : Jasminda Guiao
Reyna Judith (Judith of Pethulia) : Julieta Gascon
Reyna Esther : Susan Ramdam
Reyna Sheba : Eden Marinas
Samaritana : Elena Santos
Veronica : Carmen Dela Cerna
Mary, Mother of James : Joedy Dalawampu
Mary, Mother of Christ : Crispy Bahillo
Mary of Magdala : Emma Lumbad
Divina Pastora (Divine Shepherdess) : Lolita Merante
Reyna Delas Estrellas (Queen of Stars) : Juvy Brondo
Rosa Mystica (Mystical Rose) : Conchita Lukas
Reyna Paz (Queen of Peace) : Gliceria Ramos
Reyna Delas Propetas (Queen of Prophets) : Emie Navarro
Reyna Del Cielo (Queen of Heaven) : Mary Ann Sablan
Reyna Delas Flores (Queen of Flowers) : Dolores Diaz
Reyna Helena (Queen Helena) : Mila Pellegrino