Reactions from a Participant in Online Faith Formation Course

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Recently two members of our community completed on-line religion courses at the U Dayton  . University of Dayton is run by Marianist Fathers who also run Chaminade College in Hawaii.

The first reaction from a current student at NMC, who  took a course Bible Basics  responded to the teachers question: “What will you do now at the end of the course”  “I will like to discuss the Bible with the community. Mostly, questions such as, “Why do you believe in the Bible?” and “What part of the Bible did you believe and how did it strike you?”

The other course was on Basic Catholic Beliefs and the final question posted by the teacher . “Along with many other catechists you may be asking the questions: Will our children be Catholic? Will they care? Will they have faith? Will they really have a Catholic identity? What can I do to help? Can I really do anything? Is the process of faith formation bigger than just me? These are very valid questions today.”

I monitored both of these five week courses and both participants found them doable and helpful to their personal faith formation and more importantly for their roles as CCD teachers and Youth advisor.

The next set of course begin July 15th. Registration closes a week before. These course are open to all members of the Diocese.  We especially encourage religion teachers in Catholic and CCD program, and adult ministers in our parishes to “equip yourself for ministry”. The cost about 4 hours of reading and posting a week and fifty bucks. If you can’t afford that see you pastor and ask for help.

Below is a sample list of fifteen of the forty courses available for the five week cycle July 15 to August 18th: (Registration: Opens May 30; Closes Jul 11)

Bereavement Ministry: A Christian Perspective

Bible Basics

Catholic Beliefs


Introduction to Catechesis

Introduction to Liturgy

Introduction to Practical Morality

Introduction to Prayer

Introduction to Scripture

Introduction to the Sacraments of Initiation

New Testament

Old Testament

Relational Ministry with Youth


Scripture and Justice

Vocation, Spirituality and Discipleship of Catechists

A fuller description of each course is available after you register on line


To Register, go to the site, Note that the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa is a participating Diocese. Registration is $20.00.  Once registered you can choose any course.

For more practical info: contact Sr. Nina:


The following course are available on line at Courses begin July 15th Registration closes July 10th. For more info contact Sr Nina at Chancery 234 3000


Course Code Course Name CEU/Credit Length of Course Facilitator
E1801 Autism in Faith Formation (SN 4) 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Meghan Neumeier
E1802 Bereavement Ministry: A Christian Perspective 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Julie Worch
E1803 Bible Basics 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Cheryl Smith
E1851 Bible Basics B 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Joseph Ollier
E1804 Catechetical Methodology: Archdiocese for the Military Services Only 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Cynthia Cline
E1805 Catholic Beliefs 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Margaret McKinnon
E1847 Catholic Beliefs B 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Joe Swiss
E1806 Catholic Identity and Culture 1.5 CEU 3 Weeks Timothy Graff
E1807 Christology 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Dan Thomas
E1808 Church History 2 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Marianne Ivany
E1809 Communication and Community 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Rose Pacatte
E1810 Conscience 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Marie Morrison
E1811 Disabilities in PArish Life: An Overview (SN1) 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Rose Parker
E1812 Ecclesiology: Reframing Church 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Mary Reinhardt
E1813 Faith and Human Development 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Suzanne Nelson
E1814 Images of Jesus 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Lawrence Duffany
E1815 Introduction to Catechesis 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Bryan Reising
E1844 Introduction to Catechesis B 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Barbara Eretto
E1816 Introduction to Liturgy 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Charlie Dispenzieri
E1817 Introduction to Practical Morality 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Timothy Greer
E1850 Introduction to Practical Morality B 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks David Sikorra
E1818 Introduction to Prayer 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Joseph Sikwese
E1846 Introduction to Prayer B 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Janet Caschetta
E1820 Introduction to Sacraments of Initiation 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Kathryn Taliaferro
E1819 Introduction to Scripture 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Joyce Donahue
E1849 Introduction to Scripture B 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Jeanne Hunt
E1821 Marianist Studies: Community 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Kay Stone
E1822 New Testament 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Mary Nicholls
E1823 Old Testament 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Caroline Cerveny
E1824 On Bended Knee 1.5 CEU 3 Weeks Marge Krawczuk
E1825 Parish as a Learning Communty (AFL 2) 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Barb Minczewski
E1826 RCIA 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Alice Noe
E1827 Relational Ministry with Youth 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Mark Mann
E1828 Sacraments 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Ignatius Mvula
E1845 Sacraments B 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Alicia Darnell
E1829 Scripture and Justice 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Dorothy Mensah-Aggrey
E1830 Survey of Catholic Doctrine 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Nancy Ferrari
E1843 Survey of Catholic Doctrine B 2.5 CEU 5 Weeks Ken Gleason
E1831 Theological Reflection: Key to Connecting Faith and Life 1.5 CEU 3 Weeks Catherine Scanlan
E1832 Vocation, Spirituality and Discipleship

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