Preliminary Report on Catholic Charities Appeal Collections

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Last February 16, 2023, our annual Catholic Charities Appeal (CCA) was launched.  This annual appeal was suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Proceeds from this year’s collection is earmarked for diocesan clergy retirement as well as the cost of administering pastoral, spiritual, and temporal ministries of the diocese.  Reverend Father Isaac M. Ayuyu is currently the only diocesan clergy member in retirement.

Past years’ collections were used to cover expenses for clergy/seminarian education and formation.  It is through the people’s generosity and support to this annual appeal that we were able to send Reverend Father James S. Balajadia, JCL recently for Canon Law studies at the Catholic University of America. 

The Diocese relies on the efforts of each parish and its volunteers to solicit and collect donations for the CCA.  The total amount collected as of July 25, 2023, is $33,606.00 which is broken down per parish as follows:

Mt. Carmel Cathedral$      6,051.00
Kristo Rai Parish       5,060.00
San Vicente Parish       4,913.00
San Jude Parish       3,260.00
San Antonio Parish       3,170.00
Santa Soledad Parish       2,905.00
San Jose Parish – Saipan       1,560.00
San Isidro Parish       1,510.00
San Jose Parish – Tinian       1,385.00
Sta. Remedios Parish       1,295.00
San Francisco de Borja Parish       1,150.00
San Roque Parish       1,135.00
Korean Catholic Church          212.00
Total$   33,606.00

The final report will be published as soon as all parishes return outstanding cards.

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