Peace to this House

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This is the message that Jesus instructed his disciples to proclaim to people everywhere they met and to which ever place they went. Proclaiming peace is a duty we all must do in word and deed. The Lord’s message of peace stands for all times and for all seasons. Are you at peace with yourself and with others? Peace with oneself begins when we forgive and forget past hurts and offenses, when we accept our limitations and mistakes, and when we humble ourselves. “A humble person is more pleasing to God than a giver of gifts “. (Sirach 3:17). Following our Lord or being a disciple is not so much about positions and possessions, image and impression, perks and entitlements, rewards and awards or big talks and programs, as about sincerity of heart, commitment in our work and loyalty to God. Furthermore, it’s about simplicity and detachment from vain ambitions. St Matthew exemplified it by leaving his lucrative taxation business table behind and followed Jesus with complete turnaround from money matters to matters about God. He was used to writing fraudulent paper transactions on people’s taxes, but now an avid writer of the gospel of Jesus. Zacchaeus retributed what he usurped from public funds, then followed the Lord. Peter bitterly repented for denying his Master to embrace martyrdom. The rest of the apostles remained faithful to Master even in the midst of persecution. What is your take on this matter? Does it relate or challenge you? Living a meaningful life and serving God in the least and the lost without reserve gives us peace and sense of fulfillment. Let’s not only focus to be with God at the end of time, but also meet him midway in life by being good stewards and faithful servants, not abandoning assigned tasks and responsibilities with shallow excuses, or feeling better than others. 

On the flip side, someone said that there’s no excuse for not teaching your kids to show respect, to say please and say thank you, manners are free. Don’t wait to be rich and be happy, happiness is free. There’s no need to be perfect to inspire others. Let others get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections. Don’t let your emotions be your decision maker. Stop and Pray. One moment in God’s presence changes everything. Arrogance is used by the weak, while kindness is used by the strong. Before we ask God for anything, we must thank him for everything. God had a reason for things to happen. We may never understand his wisdom, but we simply have to trust his will. God will wreck your plans when he sees that your plans will wreck you. Your worth is found in God, not in the opinion of others. One day you’ll realize that material things mean nothing, what matters is the well-being of the people in your life. A person’s most beautiful asset is not a head full of knowledge, but a heart full of love, an ear ready to listen and a hand ready to help others. Amen on that folks!! 

St. Faustina wrote: “In difficult moments I fix my gaze upon the silent heart of Jesus, stretched upon the cross”. (Diary 906). Pray the Divine Mercy every 3 pm. Daily recite the Chaplet of Mercy and the Holy Rosary for Peace in our families and in the world. 

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