Pastoral Planning (Part 7)

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Effective implementation of the plan requires the efforts of the full body of Christ in the particular faith community. an ordered division of labor is essential. Part of the logic behind the assignment of responsibility for each objective is to remove confusion, and thus obstacles, to speedy implementation of plan objectives.

One person coordinates plan implementation. Assignment of this responsibility can vary from parish to parish, depending on the organizational structure. The assignment requires someone who has access to a systemic overview of the parish. a pastor, parochial vicar, deacon assistant or Parish life Coordinator would be appropriate for this assignment. This assignment involves: (1) taking responsibility for those tasks assigned to the parish staff; (2) ensuring that all program plans developed by parish reflect the objectives of the pastoral plan; and (3) ensuring that all program heads are aware of the plan objectives assigned to them. It is also important to ensure that each of the plan objectives are linked to specific people or offices, so that accountability is possible.

The Parish Pastoral Council should meet regularly. among its responsibilities should be continual monitoring and follow up on the implementation of the parish pastoral plan. Further, if it appears that interim revisions of the pastoral plan are necessary, recommendations can be voted upon by the Pastoral Council during their meetings.

Objectives should be worded in such a way that there are specific criteria that can be used to determined when the objective has been accomplished. This usually involves some numeric criteria, the holding of a specific event, the completion of some structure or some other concrete indicator. It is important to be able to identify progress towards goals, as it provides feedback on the strategies identified, as well as provides encouragement to those who are forking for the implementation of the parish pastoral plan. The evaluation should not only give numbers indicating which objectives were achieved and how many but it should also offer come insight into what strategies worked and why. as a rule, it is helpful to conduct a formal evaluation of the effectiveness of a pastoral plan prior to the beginning of a new planning cycle.

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