Attendees of the Forum on Phase III of the Diocesan Pastoral Planning took a group photo with Bishop Ryan, the clergy and religious of the diocese. Parishioners from different parishes worked in different groups to set goals and objectives on key areas of the ministries indicated by the Pastoral Planning Committee. The Forum was held at San Antonio Parish Hall last Saturday, August 19, 2017.

Pastoral Planning Forum set Ministry Priorities for the Diocese

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The Diocese of Chalan Kanoa moved another step forward towards the completion of the Diocesan Pastoral Planning initiated late last year by Bishop Ryan. Last Saturday, the Pastoral Planning Committee hosted a Forum to initiate Phase III of the process which is to set goals, objectives and concrete action plans in order to achieve the Mission/Vision Statement of the diocese.

The different pastoral ministry priorities identified for the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa for the next five years were: Evangelization and Formation, Liturgy, Vocation, Marriage and Family Life, Youth and Social Justice and Outreach.

The half day Forum was held at San Antonio Parish Hall and was attended by the clergy and religious of the diocese as well as the lay representatives from different parishes. Bishop Ryan led the assembly with a morning prayer and his message to the group.

The reflection of Bishop Ryan from the reading of that day from the letter of Paul to the Philippians set the mood for a meaningful discussion with the purpose of leading each one to the main thought that we are not running the race in vain and work to no purpose but holding fast to the Word of life. It was a beautiful reminder of how it is to work in communion! Indeed it was! Though it was just the start of a long run, the spirit moves in each of the participants who really tried their best to set up the goals and objectives that were assigned. With the clergy facilitating the discussions, everybody shared ideas which will somehow help the committee to have a fuller grasp of the desired actions that the whole diocese would really want to journey for the next five years. From the simple ideas to the broader ones, from the realistic to the imaginative, the Spirit is really moving. After the reporting which was shared to the larger group, we, in our group suddenly realized that we belong to the different missionary priorities but we are connected in so many ways that in our discussions, we cannot just simply work on our own. Our concern affects almost all of the priorities that lead us into a mindfulness of a deeper reflection of what God really wants. He alone can bind our hearts together as one. Before everything ends, I think each group was convinced that it is not yet the end. The agreed schedules of meeting per group clearly shows how they are willing to commit to this big plan for the Diocese.

The Second Diocesan Pastoral Planning Forum represented by the different ministry groups and the clergy was convened for the following objectives (1) to know and understand the Diocesan Vision and Mission Statements, Core Values and Ministry Priorities, (2) to understand how to develop goals, objectives and action plans in their assigned ministry, (3) participate actively in develop in the goals, objectives and action plans in their assigned ministry priority and share back to the large group, and (4) Prepare and submit meeting schedules (August through October) to the Bishop at the end of the meeting on that day.

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