Passion Quiz

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Can your children answer all of the questions of this quiz? Can you? Challenge yourselves this week and learn more about our Catholic traditions!

1. The procession with the palms took place when Je- sus entered the city of _____________, riding on a ___________ .

2. The easter _______________ is the period of three days that begins with the liturgy on the evening of Holy Thursday and ends with Evening Prayer on Easter Sunday

3. On which day of holy week is the Chrism Mass held?  (circle one) Good Friday        Holy Thursday       Holy Saturday?

4. What Jewish feast did Jesus and His disciples cel- ebrate together in the Upper Room? ______________ What part of their bodies did Jesus wash at that time? ________________

5. The Agony of Jesus in the Garden took place in the garden of ________________, on what night? ______________

6. Which ve moments of the sufferings of Jesus during His Passion are remembered in each of the Five Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary?

7. How long did darkness cover the land during the time of Jesus’ Cruci xion?

1 hour       2 hours           3 hours

Answers. 1. Jerusalem, donkey. 2. Triduum (also called the Paschal Triduum). 3. Holy Thursday. 4. Passover, feet. 5. Gethsemane, Holy Thursday. 6. Agony in the Garden, Scourging at the Pillar, Crowning with Thorns, Carrying the Cross, Cruci xion. 7. Three hours.


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