“12 active ministries, and a near total of 200 involved parish ministers and volunteers.” In his homily on the occasion of its annual parish fiesta, Bishop Ryan proudly commended the parish of St. Jude as it continues to serve the people of Koblerville, As Lito, As Perdido, Afetnas, and Lower Dandan with the same fervor and zeal of faith as did the people of this community thirty years ago.
With a very dynamic and animated liturgy, the parishioners of St. Jude celebrated the Feast of its patron Saint, presided by Bishop Ryan and concelebrated by some of the priests and deacons of the diocese.

Coinciding with the Fiesta celebration was the installation of Fr. Harold Funa as pastor of the Southern Cluster of the diocese, namely the parishes of St. Jude and San Antonio. Parishioners from both parishes came and witnessed the renewal of priestly promises and the Oath of Fidelity of Fr. Harold as he pledged his commitment to serve the people of San Antonio and St. Jude.
Bishop Ryan delivered his message around the theme: “Please be patient: God isn’t finished with me yet.” He recalled the beginning and the growth of the Church in Koblerville, starting from the time of the late Msgr. Ben Martinez until today. The original chapel built was dedicated to San Ramon but later on it was suggested to have St. Jude as its Patron saint due to the seemingly impossible situation that the manhoben (youth) were facing at that time. St. Jude is the patron saint of lost causes.
For this year’s celebration, the parishioners chose as its theme: “St. Jude parish: 30 years of faith, family and fortitude.” Bishop Ryan affirmed that these 3 F’s (Faith, Family and Fortitude are reflected in the in the parish community of St. Jude throughout its 30 years of existence. And God is not finished with his work yet.