Our Lady of Karidat Fundraiser Luncheon

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Save the date!  Buy your tickets today!  The countdown for the Karidat fundraiser lunch has begun.

We humbly ask for your support of our Fundraising Luncheon coming up in September in honor of our patroness Our Lady of Karidat and those who have contributed in the mission of our organization.

Our signature fundraising event will include an award presentation, including:
a) Bishop Emeritus Tomas A. Camacho – Spirit of Service Award which recognizes individuals who, through the giving of their time, talents and treasures as a volunteer, has made significant contributions to our community and reflects high ethical standards consistent with the mission and values of the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa or Karidat Social Services.

b) Faith, Hope, and Karidat Award – Recognizes devotion to reducing poverty, promoting recovery, and strengthening families.

c) Corporate Champion Award – Recognizes a generous donor to Karidat Social Services.

d) Partnership in Service Award – Recognizes a person or entity that generously supports and partners with Karidat in providing social services.

PLEASE CONTACT Karidat Main Office for tickets or for more information: call 234-6981/5248 during business hours (8am-4pm).

Karidat shares in the social ministry of the Catholic Church, providing a Christian witness of this ministry at the institutional level. The funds raised through this signature event will help us continue to attempt fulfilling the demands of this ministry through service, advocacy, and convening.

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