Orientation for ‘Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults’

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by: John Patrick  C. Toledo

‘Then, when the sacraments of Christian initiation have freed them from the power of darkness, having died with Christ, been buried with Him and risen together with Him, they receive the Spirit of adoption of Lord’s death and resurrection together with the People of God.’ Vatican II, Ad Gentes, 4.

Sacraments of Christian Initiation are vital stages because these are symbols of sacred reality i.e. grace. Further, Christian Initiation draws us closer to Christ, in the Spirit and to the Father and brings us closer to the Church. In other words, Christian Initiation gradually transforms and becomes us Christ-like.  In lieu with this, the Office of the Religious Education welcomed the new candidates of RCIA students as they opened the class, September 30, 2018 at the Our lady of Mount Carmel Cathedral, 6pm-7pm.  The candidates together with Sr. Nina, SJGS and some catechists opened the activity by praying the Lord’s Prayer with sign language, followed by singing and animating the song entitled ‘Welcome to the Family’ and by giving the background of RCIA. It was a simple and yet meaningful orientation as they continue to journey with one another to Christ’s event; passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus, our Lord.

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