On January 1st : Celebrate World Day of Peace

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This week we will launch into a new year and a new decade.

There is a feeling of hope when entering into a fresh year; a new year seems to carry the hope of not only a new beginning but reason to hope for a better finish, too: what do you hope to have accomplished, or learned—or seen, by the end of 2020? Or of 2029?

What dreams do you carry about this next phase of your life and your world’s?

One of the deepest desires of the human heart is for peace. And yet, “Peace,” declares Pope Francis, “will not be obtained unless it is hoped for” (see his ‘Message for World Day of Peace 2020’).  Our failure to pursue peace is a symptom of settling for less than what our hearts yearn for, he says.

Do you hope for peace—for yourself? –For others?

It is one thing to believe in a better future for one’s own self, but can we also hold out hope for others—even those whose situation seems hopeless? This is a challenging question.

The faith that Christ invites us to is one that offers reconciliation and harmony, within ourselves and our communities. It promises peace also between humanity and the forces of nature.

Living in peace with all that exists is not a faraway dream, but in Christ it is a promise. So let us begin 2020 in peace, and with hope that all things—and persons—can be transformed and start new in Christ.

Happy New Year from all of the Karidat staff and family!

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