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“ Be not forever unmindful of the lives of your afflicted ones.” ( Psalm 74: 19). This too is the insight of the centurion, faced with imminent danger of his servant boy’s death. A strong and high ranking Roman military officer, he appealed to Jesus and asked for his healing. He said; “ Lord, my servant is lying at home paralyzed, suffering dreadfully.” He said to him, ” I will come and cure him.” The centurion said in reply, Lord, I am not worthy to have you under my roof; only say the word and my servant will be healed. For I too a man subject to authority, with soldiers subject to me. And I say to one, “ Go” and he goes, and to another, Come here, and he comes; and to my slave, Do this, and he does it.” When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “ Amen I say to you, in no one in Israel have I found such faith.” ( Mat. 8: 5-11).

Faith assures us that in spite of difficult situations and in the midst of uncertainties, God is in charge and He will not abandon us. Faith tells us that God has power over the evil one even if we don’t see it. Are you going through something that drains your mind and strength, like caring for your elderly parents or a loved constantly needing and demanding your time, attention and care? Faith enables us to see that God energizes us with His grace and mercy especially when our patience is pushed to the limit. Faith tells us that God can calm the storms of our life’s crisis, fear of serious ailment or grief over a loved one’s loss.  Faith assures us that the Lord can restore a broken relationship, give hope to despairing souls and courage to keep going despite heavy setbacks.

Like the centurion who believed that the boy was healed even though he wasn’t there to see it, “ WE DON’T HAVE TO SEE IN ORDER TO BELIEVE.”

In our life’s journey, we walk by faith and not by sight. Our merciful Father has shown us His goodness in many ways and many times even if we don’t see it. Let us thank Jesus for His gifts of healing and restoration. We ask Him for enlightenment to examine our interior disposition with regards to our faith and trust in Him.

Like the centurion let us approach our Lord in humble prayer and reception of the Sacraments acknowledging our unworthiness and expressing our Trust in His Divine Mercy.

On the flip side, someone said that God is the arm that will hold you at your weakest, the eye that will see you at your darkest, and the heart that will love you at your worst. Be strong and trust in God because things will get better. It may be stormy now, but it never rains forever. Billy Graham said that, God has given us two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with. When we face challenges, let us ask the Lord to remind us that He is near. Remember that when you forgive, you heal. When you let go, you grow.  Amen on that folks!!

St. Faustina wrote Jesus’ words; “ Proclaim that mercy is the greatest attribute of God. All the works ofMy hands are crowned with mercy.”( Diary 301).

Pray the Divine Mercy every 3 p.m. Daily pray the Chaplet of Mercy and the Holy Rosary for peace in our families and in the world.

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