017 Mini-Courses 5: Karen Sato (right) and Joannie Paraiso learn how to assemble skirts in Weaving.

Mount Carmel SchooL offers Mini-Courses

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COOKING. Woodwork. Dying t-shirts. These are just a few of the dozens of alternative courses that were taught this past week at Mount Carmel School as part of Mini-Course Week. In its 21st year at the school, Mini-Course Week gives junior high and high school teachers and students a chance to take a break from traditional academic instruction and dabble in hobbies and interests that engage students in hands-on learning.

This year’s Mini-Courses is the fourth year for Sophomore Dayna Macaranas, who signed up for Workout 101, Zen Tangle, and the Art of Beading. She said, “It’s a great experience for students to really learn some cool topics.” She added, “I’ve really enjoyed Workout 101 with Ms. Petty; it’s been active and fun.”

While it was the fourth time for Macaranas to enjoy the courses, it was a first for 7th grade student, Christopher Mafnas, who took Zen Tangle and Finding Your Way with Algebra. He was pleasantly surprised by what he learned. As he put it, “It’s great because I got to learn new art styles, new patterns in Zen Tangle, and it was cool to learn how Alge- bra helps us in our lives.” Looking ahead to next year, Mafnas hopes to take basketball and cooking.

Mini-Course Week featured a wide array of unique courses, including Weaving, The Art of Beading, Latin, Barbecuing, and Bible Study. The school expresses its appreciation to the following community volunteers for help- ing teach this year’s courses: Mark Flores, Bill Joseph, Jude Lizama, Michael Ogo, Lucy Sablan, and Solly Takai-Nakamura. The school also thanks NMC CREES for lending the support of its talented staff.

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