4th grade Mount Carmel School students represent the CNMI.

Mount Carmel School celebrates Cultural Diversity

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Despite fears about rain and a few sprinkles, the sun came out in full force last Friday just in time for Mount Carmel School’s annual celebration of Cultural Diversity Day. As part of the festivities, MCS students celebrated over a dozen cultures with a parade, cultural dances, and performances. The celebration featured the following grade levels showcasing their respective cultural traditions: K4 – Philippines, K5 – USA, 1st – Korea, 2nd- Japan, 3rd- Malaysia, 4th- CNMI, 5th- Marshall Islands, 6th- Samoa, 7th- Micronesia, 8th- Thailand, 9th- Palau, 10th- Indonesia, 11th- China, 12th- India.

Mount Carmel School Counselor, Tobed Smith (front right) joins Freshmen class adviser, Criselda Aldan (front left) in leading Freshmen in representing Palau.

“Between the performances, the food, and all the fun, our students celebrated the cultural diversity that makes our school family truly special,” said school presi- dent, Galvin Deleon Guerrero. “The kids were full of energy and their performances were wonderful!”

Deleon Guerrero also recognized the value of the school’s diversity. “As one of our longest standing traditions, long before the CNMI declared its own Cultural Diversity Day, it’s heartwarming to see our students, faculty, and staff appreciate our cultural diversity so much. After all, we are a very culturally diverse school, so it’s important that we value and validate who we are on a day like this.”

Student Council President Erika Mendiola agreed. “This is something that I look forward to every year because everyone gets to celebrate.” She added, “This is a time for us all to respect and celebrate the diversity that makes us who we are.”

K4 Mount Carmel School students represent the Philippines.


2nd grade Mount Carmel School students represent Japan.


3rd grade Mount Carmel School students represent Malaysia.
Mount Carmel School Senior Darian Salas guides a 4th grade student in representing the CNMI.




6th grade Mount Carmel School students represent Samoa.


7th grade Mount Carmel School students represent Micronesia.


Mount Carmel School Seniors gather for a group photo after representing India.


Mount Carmel School 3rd grade students prepare to represent Malaysia.

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