Misunderstood and Understand

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It happens that what we convey in words or actions are misunderstood by some people. Sometimes, we’re surprised to perceive that someone becomes indifferent to us not knowing the reason behind until we found out that our words were misunderstood, or is it a matter of miscommunication? Whatever it is, that’s part of life and we can never please everyone.

Jesus himself was misunderstood and criticized despite his being merciful and kind. People grumbled when he went to Zacchaeus’ house (Lk. 19:1-10), he was called the prince of demons when he freed the Gerasene demoniac who suffered from the devil’s possession. (Mk. 5:1-20), and innumerable instances that he was despised and misjudged.

It is heart breaking when our good motives are misunderstood or misinterpreted. We just have to live by it and continue doing good and standing by the truth and not allow criticism to stop us from doing what’s right, living with integrity and honesty. We just have to maintain our good conduct and intentions even when people talk ill about us who sometimes out of envy and insecurity malign everything we do and say. Let’s follow the wisdom of old telling us to ignore, move on, and the Christian way to pray for them and focus on Jesus.  

On the other hand, there people who understand our mistakes, for no one is prefect, stand by us in times of crisis, believe in our words and support our plans. There are those who see the good side of people and things, who are not driven by emotion but by fair and kind judgement. We need people who help find solution to our problem, not a problem to the solution. There are sincere friends who give honest suggestions to our concerns and who don’t look at their watch when talking to us. Let’s pray to God for the grace of understanding people’s errors with a merciful heart.

On the flip side, someone said that words are free, it’s how you use them. We’re very good lawyers for our own mistakes, but very good judges for the mistakes of others. The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people think. Great things never come from comfort zones. Don’t make permanent decisions on temporary feelings. See the light in others and treat them as if that’s all you see. Keep putting out good. It will come back to you tenfold in unexpected ways. One small positive thought in the morning can make your day. Sometimes people with the worst past end up creating the best future. Amen on that folks!!

St. Faustina wrote Jesus’ words; “Do not grow weary of praying for sinners”. (Diary 975).

Pray the Divine Mercy prayer every 3 p.m. Daily pray the Chaplet of Mercy and the Holy Rosary for peace in our families and in the world.

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