Mission Sunday Collection 2023

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Last October 22, 2023 the worldwide Catholic community celebrated World Mission Sunday where Pope Francis invited all of the faithful to support mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, Latin America and parts of Europe.  In these mission dioceses, priests, religious, and lay leaders serve the world’s most vulnerable communities.  The Diocese of Chalan Kanoa is one of these mission dioceses.

In solidarity, we conducted a special second collection in all Masses celebrated on that day across all our thirteen parishes.  All collections are remitted to the Pontifical Mission Societies.  Breakdown of contribution per parish is as follows:

Mt. Carmel Cathedral$ 1,587.46
Kristo Rai Parish           $ 881.02
San Vicente Parish$ 521.00
San Jose (Saipan) Parish$ 392.78
Santa Remedios Parish$ 371.00
San Antonio Parish$ 352.23
San Jose (Tinian) Parish$ 319.25
San Jude Parish      $ 313.00
Santa Soledad Parish    $ 255.52
San Isidro Parish$ 203.00
San Roque Parish$ 145.00
San Francisco de Borja Parish$ 130.72
Korean Catholic Church$ 93.00
Total$ 5,564.98

Our contributions will join those from our brothers and sisters worldwide to help support the programs and activities in the mission dioceses around the world.  Thank you for your kind hearts and generosity.  

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