MCS celebrates MMB Legacy with visual arts

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MOUNT CARMEL School is joining the continuing celebration of the 90th Anniversary of the arrival of the Merdedarian Missionaries of Berriz, or the MMB sisters, on Saipan. The school recently held a series of contests that invited students to reflect on the impact of the MMB sisters on Saipan and their school. Winners will be announced during a special May 4th mass for May Crowning. Featured in this article are finalists for the art contest, Oscar Buenaflor, Heleyna Dela Santa, and Leah Lansangan,

Along with Father Arnold Bendowski, the MMB sisters were the founding mothers of the school who served as teachers and administrators when the school opened in 1952. Over the years, the MMB sisters have continued to help as teachers, facilitators for student retreats, and spiritual advocates who keep the school in their prayers.

To honor the work the MMB sisters have done, the school chal- lenged students to re ect on the theme, “The MMB Legacy: Look- ing Back and Looking Forward, What Will Your Mission Be?”

According to the school’s campus minister, Vir Abueme, “This theme highlights the missionary nature of their work, because they were, indeed, on a mission to make this world a better place through prayer, service, and education.”

Inspired, informed, and trans- formed by the legacy of our dear MMB Sisters, students were asked how they will continue the MMB legacy and what will their mission be. Students were invited to submit entries in the following categories: K-4, Drawing/Painting Art Contest; 5-8, Poetry Contest; and 9-12, Essay Contest.

Submissions will be scored using the following criteria: Reflection of MMB History,Reflection on MMB Impact on Mount Carmel School, Articulation of Student’s Personal Mission, and Quality of Work.

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