(From Left) Chris and & Aguilar, Region 12 Ecclesial Leaders from San Jose, CA, Bishop Ryan P. Jiminez and Linda & Gonzalo Pangelinan, the newly commisioned Leader Couple for the Marriage Encounter in CNMI.

Marriage Encounter Commissions New Leaders

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The CNMI Chapter of the Worldwide Marriage Encounter is pleased to commission Gonzalo & Linda Pangelinan as the new Leadership Couple for our Community. Chris & Ann Aguilar, the Regional Ecclesial Couple from Region 12 visited from San Jose, California to conduct the Discernment and Commissioning Ceremony. Also present was His Excellency Ryan P. Jimenez, Bishop of Chalan Kanoa, a CNMI Marriage Encounter Priest, along with members of the local ME Community.

The Pangelinan’s were first encountered in 2007 and then joined an Anniversary Weekend in Guam on 2012. Since then, the Pangelinan’s joined the post-Weekend programs, ‘Steps Along the Journey’, ‘Steeper Steps’ and ‘5 Languages of Love’ and soon after, became facilitators for them. As another way to help more couples improve their marriages, they became one of the presenting couples for the Weekend, sharing their story with others and letting other CNMI couples know that strong communication is essential in a marriage. The Pangelinan’s have five beautiful children, ranging in age from 12 to 23. They will serve a term of two years.

The CNMI Chapter of WWME recently encountered 14 new couples on 28-30 April 2017 at the Kanoa Resort Saipan. Father Jeff San Nicolas of Guam, Chris & Ann Aguilar of San Jose, California, Gonzalo & Linda Pangelinan and Tom & Erica Thornburgh presented during the Weekend. The next ME Weekend is slated for 10-12 November 2017.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter, a marriage enrichment program, emphasizes the importance of communication between husband and wife, who spend a weekend together away from the distractions and the tensions of everyday life, to concentrate on each other. It’s a special time for spouses to be alone together, to rediscover each other and together focus on their relationship for an entire weekend. Every marriage deserves that kind of attention. For more information, contact cnmime@gmail.com

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