Mount Carmel School teacher Deacon Rosiky Camacho conducts a lecture during a high school theology course. MCS also recently announced their continuation of lower monthly payments for the 2021-2022 school year.

Lower Monthly Payments for School Year 2021-2022

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Mount Carmel School recently announced their continuation of lower monthly payments for the 2021-2022 school year. With this extension, families can continue to divide the usual 10 month payment plan over 12 months. The Early Bird Special provides a variety of discounts for families looking to secure their child’s enrollment for the upcoming school year.

The annual early bird registration discount is as follows: For grades K4 – K5 registration is $50 per student (normally $100). For students in grades first through twelfth, the registration fee is $100 per student (normally $400.)

Additionally, families with two children can avail of a $600 discount off of tuition for the second child, families with three children can avail of a $1,000 discount off of tuition for the third child, and families with four children can avail of a $1,500 discount off of tuition for the fourth child.

The deadline for the Early Bird registration and fees is scheduled for May 01, 2021.

The school’s Leadership Team will be exploring ways to expand scholarship funding and financial aid. This may include earmarking a portion of all Education Tax Credit (ETC) revenue towards the school’s scholarship and financial aid program.

School president, Dr. Galvin Deleon Guerrero shared, “Living paycheck to paycheck is a reality some of our families are experiencing during this pandemic,” Dr. G continued, “In an effort to help our community, we are excited to continue this program that we initiated immediately at the beginning of the pandemic last school year. One of our priorities is to ensure that our families feel supported during these trying times.”

To learn more about enrolling at Mount Carmel School for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year, call 234-6184 or visit

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