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Jesus revolutionized love from merely an emotional feeling of the heart to an Identity of Christian discipleship. All will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another. (Jn. 13: 31-35.) Love matters in relationships among spouses, family, career, people, friendship and work, for without love, everything we do is just a show, a shadow, empty and meaningless.

More than two thousand years ago did Jesus talk about the commandment of love but like a clothing in some measure it remains brand new, unused or slightly used, not lived or experienced by many in this world. Love is what makes our life strong, happy and delightful because love matters in all faucets of human existence.

Love matters to the broken hearted, it gives hope to the orphans. Love matters to strangers and friends alike, it builds relationship and tears down the wall of indifference and apathy. If you are loved, you feel great and happy despite your poverty and broken relationship. Love heals sicknesses, enhances good results in the workforce because, love inspires and if you‘re inspired you accomplish more.

God is love and if you love, you have God in you, and if you have God in you, you have everything.  Keep loving, love more and love comes back you. Love is power, so powerful that it brought God down to earth from his heavenly throne.

On the flip side, someone said that sometimes God doesn’t change your situation because he is trying to change your heart. God wouldn’t put something in your life if you’re not strong enough to get through it. God does not want you to try harder, he wants you to trust him deeper. Stop trying, but start trusting. Life in God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace in difficulties. With God, we will gain victory, and he will trample down our enemies. (Prov. 60:12). Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting. Amen on that folks!!

In her Diary no. 532, St. Faustina wrote Jesus’ words; “I find pleasure not in large buildings and magnificent structures, but in a pure and humble heart.” Pray the Divine Mercy every 3 p.m. Daily pray the Chaplet of Mercy and the Holy Rosary for peace in our families and in the world.    

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