“Living the Dream Today – the New Millennium”

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[Today, March 4, is the 90th Anniversary of the arrival of the Mercedarian Missionaries of Berriz to Saipan. Sr. Mary Ann Becmer, MMB carries her account of the history into the new millennium.]

Now 90 years of grace have been ours since that March 4, 1928 morning when the first Mercedarian Missionaries arrived on Saipan.

All religious communities have been called together by God’s inspiration which comes through a “faith-full” person or persons. God’s dream within this person is focused on a desire to reach out in love to a particular situation or need within society, or a specific way of living the Gospel or on a gift needed within the Church and the world. This “gift” or “Charism” is what defines, enlivens and helps sustain the religious community. The Redemptive Charism of the Mercedarian Order began with Peter Nolasco and was sustained through centuries of redeeming Christian captives, through prayer, ransoming with money or the exchange of their lives in fulfillment of their Fourth Vow. Fidelity to this same Redemptive Charism was re-experienced in a new age by Mother Margarita Maturana, who with incredible courage and boldness, threw open the doors of the cloister of Berriz, transformed and re-founded an ancient Mercedarian root to flourish as a beautiful new expression of God’s gift – Mercedarian Missionaries- to go forth and make Jesus Christ known and loved, even to the ends of the earth! This gift and dream of God is not only for the founders/ foundresses of religious communities – no, each member of the community carries a “spark within” of this Charism. Over the years, the Charism is re-read, reinterpreted, given new meaning through the members of the community, ever faithful to God’s grace and the signs of the times. The “Dream” continues and the real question today is, “What have we become together by the grace of God?” Today, in fidelity to our Redemptive Charism, we find ourselves involved in Prayer ministry, in the Education ministry and in Pastoral Ministries.

Maturana House of Prayer was dedicated on September 23, 1979. Throughout the years, Maturana has sought to be, “a place away”, where clergy, religious and laity alike could “come away for awhile” as Jesus invited his disciples to do (Mk. 6:32b). Various programs have been developed and different types of retreat opportunities have been offered. A Marriage Preparation Day of Prayer is offered to couples preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony. In addition, retreats are offered to individuals and small groups ranging from one to thirty days. Other groups use the site as their venue and direct the experience themselves.

Reaching out to young people has long been a focus for the House of Prayer. Students from grades 5-12 from Mt. Carmel School participate yearly in a retreat. Youth from all the parishes on island who are preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation also have their “day away”. Non-denominational groups and inter-faith groups find the peacefulness and quiet of Maturana conducive for their gatherings as well. Over the past years, there has been an average of 75 different retreat opportunities per year with an average of 1200 retreatants per year.

In these trying times – economically, politically, socially and religiously- most people agree on the value of “taking some time for reflection and putting things in perspective”. The challenge always lies in following through on our best intentions and actually getting away for that “vacation with the Lord” whether it be for a few hours or a few days. Maturana stands ready to welcome all, whether individuals or groups, seeking spiritual health and renewal. It is a mission to which we, Mercedarian Missionaries, are committed and through which we strive to share our experience of Christ the Redeemer with all who are looking for that “something more,” that “something deeper.”

Education was a ministry Mother Margarita and the Community of Berriz valued immensely as a vehicle for making Christ known and for educating the whole person. Mercedarian Missionaries administered and staffed Sr. Remedios Early Childhood Development Center, along with many dedicated lay people.+ This pre-school was named in honor of our sister Remedios Castro, MMB, who dedicated most of her religious life to the education of young children. The developmental years are an important time for the formation of values and attitudes so intrinsic to character

formation – and so important to the Mercedarian vision of education. Early education in Christian values and attitudes create a strong foundation for the future. Over the years Sr. Remedios Early Childhood Development Center has offered our young sisters in formation the opportunity to be teacher’s aides during their own training. Their youthful enthusiasm, overflowing energy and creativity provide many happy hours for the children.

Pastoral ministries over the years on Saipan have included teaching of catechism in our local parishes, music ministry in a variety of settings, hospital and home visitation when possible and Eucharistic ministry to the homebound. Through these ministries, the sisters are able to have broader contact with a wide variety of people and to be present to them. It is a tangible way “to remain” with our people – in moments of joy and sorrow.

Two final ministries on Saipan over the years have touched our lives as Mercedarians in a special way. The Formation Ministry encompasses the incorporation of new members into our Community, into our Mercedarian Missionary way of life. The initial formation of our young sisters includes classes in Theology, Scripture, Religious Life, Prayer and other themes, as well as, professional formation at Northern Marianas College and ministry experiences. Over the past years, many young women have made their self-offering to God through the Religious Profession of Vows and have been sent forth to “mission”.

The ministry to our retired sisters at Maturana offers health care plus emotional and spiritual support to our sisters in their later years, to those who have given their entire lives to “mission”. Retirement is a time of less “doing” and more “be- ing” and our retired sisters provide a powerhouse of prayer and wisdom for the rest of us. The example of lives given totally to God and lived in fidelity for decades is awesome. And the Dream continues…..

+ In 2016 Sr. Remedios Early Childhood Development Center incorporated into Mt. Carmel School. The school which began in 1951 as Our Lady of Mercy School became one with the school—Mt. Carmel—which developed from it.

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Posted by - October 6, 2023 0