Liturgical Guidelines for the Celebration of Matrimony in the Diocese of Chalan Kanoa – Special Circumstances and Additional Considerations

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For the past two weeks, we have shared the overview and the changes of the recently approved Liturgical Guidelines for the Celebration of Matrimony here in our Diocese.  This week, we will focus on the special circumstances and additional considerations as it relates to (1) Music at the Wedding Liturgy; (2) Decorations; (3) Photographs; and (4) Decorum.

1. Music at the Wedding Liturgy

• Music is an important and basic element in planning a wedding.

• There are parts of the celebration that need to be accompanied by music, but the most important times are those for congregational chant.

• Allowing an organist, pianist or soloist to perform all of the music in a wedding is not compatible with Catholic Liturgy.

• We must be mindful that texts of songs chosen should speak of a Christian concept of marriage and not focus on a romantic one.

• Liturgical music is always performed live; therefore, recorded music is not appropriate for weddings.

• When choosing the musicians or choir, it is very important that they are truly competent – that they have a thorough understanding of the structure of the Catholic wedding liturgy.

• In selecting music for a wedding, all songs must be evaluated in the following areas: (1) Liturgical: Is the music appropriate to the liturgy and celebration? 

(2) Pastoral: Does the music allow for the assembly’s participation when 


(3) Musical: Is the music of quality and will it be done by competent musicians?   

      Can it be easily sung by the assembly?

• Secular or Popular music does not have a place in a wedding liturgy; however, it can be used at the wedding reception.

• Musical instruments should be suitable for sacred use.  Wind, string, or percussion instruments may be used, “provided they are truly suitable for sacred use.”

• Copyright/Licensing – We must always remember to give credit where it is due to the name of composer of the selected music.

2. Decorations

• Candles or candelabra are prohibited both in the Sanctuary and on the pews.

• Pew bows (and the like) should be tied on and not taped or stapled.

• For safety reasons, the throwing of flower petals (artificial or real) and runner are restricted.

• The throwing of rice, seeds or other such material inside and outside of the Church is not permitted.

3. Photographs

• Still and video photography is permitted provided it does not become a distraction to the celebration of the sacrament.

• Photographers must find a place in which to take pictures and may not move from one place to another.

• Photographers may not take pictures from within the Sanctuary of the Church during the celebration of the sacrament.

• When using lighting fixtures beyond what is already provided, prior permission from the Pastor must be obtained.

• Photographers are to be appropriately dressed.

• Photographers who do not comply with the requirements will be asked to leave the celebration.

4. Decorum

• Appropriate behavior must be maintained in the church during rehearsal and on the wedding day.

• Attire of the wedding party may be formal or as simple as desired.

• Christian modesty and good taste do not include low-cut dresses.

• Appropriate dress is also requested for the rehearsal.

Thank you and May God Bless Us All.  

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