Letter to parents on CCD registration

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Dear Parents,

Another year of CCD classes is about to begin. These classes are available to Catholic children who attend secular schools, and are provided by the catechists (CCD Teachers) through the Diocesan Office of Religious Education. However, you, my dear parents, are the primary teachers of faith. You are entrusted with the responsibility to transmit our faith to your children by teaching them the basic prayers, sharing with them our salvation history, and showing them daily examples reinforcing values and basic foundations of our faith.

The Sacrament of Baptism is the door to the other Sacraments and the Church is grateful that through you your child’s faith was initiated. We would like to help you nourish that gift of faith through their continuous learning. We would help you attain every child’s readiness to receive the Sacraments of Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation with a two-year preparation program. We encourage you to be an active part of this goal of forming and deepening your child’s relationship with Christ.

Registration for CCD classes begins August 15, 2019.

Prepare your children with much enthusiasm and joy. Teach them their basic prayers! Let them feel that every prayer is an encounter with Jesus who loves them so much. Bring them to the Church. Assist them in learning the Mass responses. Teach them that the MASS is the HIGHEST FORM OF PRAYER. Our Catholic faith has a rich history with many rituals and celebrations that needs to be explained and experienced within the parish communities. Your participation means a lot!

Sr. Nina Caccam, SJBP

Sincerely yours,

Director, Office of Religious Education

Diocese of Chalan Kanoa

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